This is for all the people who don't think rap is poetry or music. I don't mean all the new people like T.I, Soulja Boy, or Lil Wayne, that is not really rap.
I think rap is poetry, I learned that poetry uses literary devices (Alliteration, rhyming, similies, metaphors and other literay devices). So I would like to know why you don't consider rap poetry/music.
In my opinion, rap is just a sort of... wrong way to sing, but that's just me. Kids seem to think it's a pretty cool genre, but... it just influences them so much that they think they are bigshots, strutting around with their sagging shorts, long T-shirts, inexpensive zirconium jewelry that's all over the place and looks out of place, their alluminum teeth caps that hurts the enamel,......
.........and their neon lights under their cars that is so useless and consumes their battery, and the hydrolics that makes your car look like theres sex going on inside, and their overly-large tires that they put on their cars that hurts the performance of the cars,.............
...........and last of all, the stupid gestures that makes them look like bigshots when they really are hurting families that need attention. THEN if you look at the lyrics to the songs, the majority of them talk about their feelings, how they hate the world, how their relationship is in the toilet, how they repeat unnecessary words over and over again like they stutter....
But it's all how you think about it. Me, I'm a classic/metal rock fan, I think its music from the heart and soul, how it gives me energy and confidence when I need it most, It's all just great.....
Well depends you really are listenting to ShintetsuWA, if your just turning on the radio thats horrible rap IMO. Look up a Nas, Tupac, Biggie Smalls, or The Game's rap lyrics and most of them are deep.
Main Entry: poâ¢etâ¢ry Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 a: metrical writing : verse b: the productions of a poet : poems 2: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm 3 a: something likened to poetry especially in beauty of expression b: poetic quality or aspect <the poetry of dance> [url=]
When using the second two definitions rap and all music is technically poetry.
Now ive never been a fan of rap, cant even hear what they are saying, but if you read the lyrics and know the slang some of it is truly beautiful.
and I, a child, am readin this while listening to "Sweet Home Alabama" on my computer on my own choice . As a view from the trenches of the modern childhood, I notice that only the stupid jocks are listening to it. ---------- I believe that the core of rap is poetry in a rather mutated form, but it has lost all artistic value in the repulsive face of modern music disgruntle-ification. It's just another corrupted art form, in my opinion.
sorry I forgot the "g" there. ----------- Rap is really a style of poetry, the modern style, but it's been defaced by the crudeness and stupid sex jokes and "impinocity" of modern gangsta culture. --------- Listening to some Santana now...
I have to listen to 4 morons around me who sing about the 'west side' and 'gangs' and 'homies' while a dress, they address eachother by 'yo dawg holmes you in mah shiz'
I would consider rap poetry but todays rap is one of those things like thisisnotanalt said that have lost there artistic value...some rap does have meaning but to me that kind of rap is fading.
I have to listen to 4 morons around me who sing about the 'west side' and 'gangs' and 'homies' while a dress, they address eachother by 'yo dawg holmes you in mah shiz' I hate them
What in the hell are you talking about? Not ALL rap is about that kind of crap!
The "old" rap, was about "street life" (Not the gang type) the one where he (rapper) describes his life, and how he managed to climb his way out of a "bad life". And there is also the rap that is critisisim towards the media, and government.
Most people listen to "Solja Boy" and then think "this is rap, I hate it beacuse I just can!"
That is ignorence! It is really shocking how, most people will just read off of one chart and label the rest as the same!
And I REALLY hate thoas people who claim rap to be "Retards attempting poetry". Because I know for a fact that they themselves probley think a poem is all about ryming or how the tree blows in the wind.
Listen to the "old rap", where the rappers talked about there LIFE, not money, cars, women. LIFE. You know? Growing up with out most of the things a 'normal' kid would need ect ect.
What in the hell are you talking about? Not ALL rap is about that kind of crap!
The "old" rap, was about "street life" (Not the gang type) the one where he (rapper) describes his life, and how he managed to climb his way out of a "bad life". And there is also the rap that is critisisim towards the media, and government.
Most people listen to "Solja Boy" and then think "this is rap, I hate it beacuse I just can!"
That is ignorence! It is really shocking how, most people will just read off of one chart and label the rest as the same!
And I REALLY hate thoas people who claim rap to be "Retards attempting poetry". Because I know for a fact that they themselves probley think a poem is all about ryming or how the tree blows in the wind.
Listen to the "old rap", where the rappers talked about there LIFE, not money, cars, women. LIFE. You know? Growing up with out most of the things a 'normal' kid would need ect ect.
Opean your eye's!
Exactly. It was art. It was good. But now it's just all souljia boyz and wat up wat up, beezy, yo coo' cats, beotch!