10 Years from now, what do you think our world will be like in terms of our use of technology in our everyday lives?
What do you think it will be like, or what would you love to see and use?
Things to think about: Transportation: Cars, Planes, Mass transit Communication: Computers, phones, mobile devices Appliances: refrigerators, etc. Gaming: Anything, Computers, And any combinations of the above.
Yeah My PC at the moment is 1TB. You never know a yottabyte could be along soon.
its funny I had never heard of that word before now yottabyte.I actually had to look it up to find out how much that actually is.Before I looked that up the highest amount I have ever been told about was a petabyte,and right now in my computer systems technology class we only have to know up to a terabyte to get our IC3 certification.Imagine what the IC3 will be like 10 years from now.What if it becomes like an SOL type thing,or it doesn't exist.
Ya I was thinking about the whole, paying with your cell phone thing for a while. There are really easy and cool ways to do this. I thik all electronics and devices will be much more awesome and useful when wifi access points become more dense.
There are a lot of applications for RFID tagging too, it would be much easier to pay for things, keep track of stuff.
I don't think we will have much improvement in fuels, but definatly in efficient vehicles. I'm excited about the future bullet train in California.
I think the biggest thing we will see is new electronics technology. Right now semiconductor technology (the stuff chips and processors are made of) is pretty much reaching it's limits. There isnt that much more we can improve upon. But carbon technology is starting to grow and more people are researching was to mass produce carbon nanotubes and sheets. This stuff will be incredible as it will allow for see through flexible displays, thin handhelds, and much smaller and faster electronics, that use less power. I'm excited about this kind of stuff
I'm not sure how much development in super conductors their will be. they used to be a bit of a craze (in the sscience world anyway) but they can't of realised they couldn't be used commercialy. However recently some cool stuff has been done in the area. (quick guide to them: cold things have no/little resistance). They have made new materials that don;t have to be as cold and the apllications fo ot are interesting. If they got into a computer their would be no resistance so you wouldn't need a fan to col it etc.
In truth, Some of the things I think could be invented could be very scary. Yes, new technology is very helpfull, and ten years from now almost all people will have these machines that make work and life easier. But, all it will do is make us want something faster, smaller, more efficient, and so on. But what some people tend to not think about is the destructive weapons that will be available in ten years or more. Can be a scary thought, cant it.
I hear that the guys at Harvard are developing a method to integrate organic stem cells into an electronic nanocircuit (i.e. a computer chip).
Basically developing an organic computer which would have the ability to update itself...until it dies of old age, or so I assume. But as to whether this would lead to properties of AI i.e. self-awareness, this is as yet unclear.
Ya I read some stuff about different computing technologies. You could develop an organic computer, and I think they have done so on a small scale. And I have read some stuff about atomic computers. Were the states and spins of electrons could be used as binary for processing. Very interesting stuff.
I'm happy that Solid state drive are being manufactured now. I feel like moving parts in computers are inefficient and very old school. Nowadays you don't even need a cd drive, as almost all programs are available online, and same goes for movies. I have a Solid State drive in my new laptop. Lightening fast, absolutely no noise, uses much less energy, and its nice and small I love it
Technology like phones, or, like an internet connector port should be able to be integrated into your brain and then like little hologram projectors in front of your eyes for the screen.
Technology like phones, or, like an internet connector port should be able to be integrated into your brain and then like little hologram projectors in front of your eyes for the screen.
That is not only controversial, that could also take years to make. Decades!