ForumsSupport Forum[ans] What Are Armor Points?

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495 posts

What are armor points and what do they do?

  • 7 Replies
1,191 posts

Well currently they are just to show how active a person is on the site, but if you're talking about if you get prizes or something along those lines, then no you don't really get anything from ranking up Armor points. I'm sure that they're working on something like this soon, but I'm not entirely sure.

495 posts

Ty, But where do i see my armor points and what are the leader boards for on the homepage? Srry i have so many questions but im new

1,191 posts

It's okay. You can see your armor points by clicking on your name on the upper right hand side of the screen. Also there are three leader boards on the homepage. The lifetime leaderboard is to show how many points overall people have. The current leaderboard is to show how much points a person has gained in a certain amount of time. I believe it's one month. The last leaderboard is to show the people who gained the most in the last month.

495 posts

Oh well thank you for telling me

3,675 posts

No, not really. There is a whole topic that answers all the questions like these. It even tell you to read it before posting questions like this, as to cut down on the amount of unneeded topics.

Read here first

495 posts

Im srry i didn't know

83 posts

heres a big discriptsion of armor points merits and ranks Armor Points - Top
Armor Points (AP) are earned by interacting with different parts of the site. While we are always on the hunt for the perfect points formula, the website will reward you with the following AP rewards for these different actions:
Rate a Game: 2 AP per Game
Comment on a Game: 2 AP per Comment
Make a Post in the Forum: 1 AP per Post
Refer a user to the Site: 10 AP per Referral
Submit a Game: 20 AP per Title
Earn a Merit: 25 AP per Merit
Your Armor Points total will appear in your User Profile, with a breakdown of your activity. The top ranked users appear on the Global Rank page.
If we find abuse, your posts or comments will be erased, along with your points earned! Be careful to post within the rules guidelines to retain your points.
Ranks - Top
As you earn points, you will rise through the Ranks. The ranks you achieve appear in your user profile, and will show your commitment and time to the Armor Games website!
Each Rank has a different point value, and here are the current baseline rank levels (1/16/07):
Serf 10 AP
Squire 225 AP
Knight 1200 AP
Lord / Lady 3000 AP
Duke / Duchess 4500 AP
Prince / Princess 7250 AP
King / Queen 12000 AP
We may remove or add ranks or rank levels as the site evolves, so be wary that changes may happen!
Earning Merits - Top
On each userpage, there is an area that numbers how many merits you have earned. Merits are earned by writing constuctive, thoughtful comments in the Games section. We reward those who take the time to think out a good comment , as it contributes a lot to the website and sets a good example for others. The post does not have to be a book in length, but should be interesting enough to grab our attention. For each merit you recieve, you will earn 25 AP and your post will stand out. Only moderators and administrators give out merits. You can help us choose who gets the merits by hitting the "up-vote" arrow next to comments on the game pages.

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