Hearing some random cult telling me mental illness doesn't exsist after alot of personal experiences makes me sick. What's your opinion on the whole thing in general?
The only disease they reject is autism. They don't say "mental illnesses don't exist." They just don't believe in psychiatry. So they don't think pills should be prescribed for mental illnesses. They believe that their religion is the answer. They believe it is sort of a therapy.
Well I barely have looked at what Scientology represents,but I know the Anonymous don't like them(look it up on youtube)so I guess I just probably wouldn't agree with them if I knew what they fully represented,but other that I have no opinion on them.
It is indeed an odd "religion" though I don;t really know much about it.
Autism may not exist in a "mental illness" sense. Their are many people (not just scientologists) who question it. Sascha Baron-Cohens brother or cousin I can't remember has hypothesised that it is merely an extreme interpretation of the male personality though I don't personally agree.
because that's just stupid. And autism is a male-only disease, then? I must be thinking of something else, because I have a cousin who's a girl, who I'm pretty sure is autistic. Might be thinking of something else, but I'm almost sure that's what it was. Hm.
scientolgy, a topic was made on this already, they beleive the earths fears and feelings were created by aliens absorbing alien souls and sending them back to earth then they went into the first humans bodys.
scientolgy, a topic was made on this already, they beleive the earths fears and feelings were created by aliens absorbing alien souls and sending them back to earth then they went into the first humans bodys. what kind of retard believes this?
I think their belief of not giving pills to the mentally ill is fucked up and really really really really wrong, I know many people who are alive because of their pills.
Although their world origin story is fucking crazy how crazy is it compared to other beliefs? I mean we donât know it not true, how ever crazy it might be. We donât really know, evolution could be wrong even though there is lots of evidence for it. Whatâs really wrong is that they donât tell you until you have paid them enough money that is fucked.
I've also heard that they believe you shouldn't tend to a child until it stops crying. Or maybe that's just Tom Cruise because he's batshit insane. In any case, if that's how they role they can have fun with the next generation of Scientologists being incurable insomniacs.
When an infant isn't tended to when it cries if it doesn't cry itself to sleep it starts to learn to fend for itself, which includes sleeping only when you're so tired you physically drop. I know someone who has insomnia because of it and meds don't work.
I remember reading somewhere that L. Ron Hubbard actually took a bet with one of his friends that he could create a religion and have people believe him. I'd say Hubbard won that one.
Hearing some random cult telling me mental illness doesn't exsist after alot of personal experiences makes me sick. What's your opinion on the whole thing in general?
Scientology was founded by Sci-fi writer L.Ron Hubbard on the principle that anything, no matter how whacky or daft, can be made into the basis for a religion.
Operation Clambake: http://www.xenu.net/ A pretty comprehensive anti-scientology website
http://www.religioustolerance.org/scientol1.htm A relatively non-biased history of Scientology