lol lige and totally sane finally get SERVED! thank you carlie.
and i think its kinda funny, you know why? cuz bush is freinds iwth the saudis, allthough iraq and saudi ariabia are at war or somthing, iraw and bush also have a connection.
poeple with that amount of power can throw people in jail for lifetime without anyone knowing it... i think that the goverment in America also have the power to cencure the newspapers and the news from certain facts.
PS: srry for my bad english, im Dutch. also, i believe that the goverment in Holland also is corrupted in some way.
well some people before have said that the man threw a shoe at one of the most "owerful" man..well i think differently. bush by the end of his second term had lost most of his support and most people were against him because they had been convinced that it was all bush's fault for everything bad that was happening.
and plus i wish the shoe had hit him because it was his fault that we had begun a war that cost so much..
He knew what would happen, but he represented the opinion of most of the Iraqi's
On what basis do you make this statement? Were there parties in the streets after the incident? Did the Iraqi government make an official statement supporting the man's actions?
I hope you'll forgive my sarcasm, but I spent 8 months in Iraq, working with over 140 Iraqis. While I realize this is a very small sampling of the overall population, I feel they represented the small villages and towns of Ninevah province well, and the general opinion was that they just wanted to move on with their lives, and they appreciated the rebuilding efforts we've put in.
I think this is stupid if we threw a shoe at their leader we woudl get capitla punishment. They do it and they are a hero thsi guy shoudl be locked up for so long he won't remember why he was put in there. You don't just go disrespecting other nation's leaders.