A basic view of them that seems to work is that Democrats are more for the middle class / lower class citizens and use the "trickle up" method in the economy, while Republicans are more for the big business types, using the "trickle down" method, opposite the Democrat. Most disagree with the other on every occasion, while some may agree to some extent on political views.
In other terms, Republicans believe that they must improve business in order to help the country, while Democrats believe to help those that are poor and middle-class. It can go both ways.
Let's take past presidents that were great at their job. Warren G. Harding was pro-business like. He strongly believed in the trickle-down theory by promoting business greatly. It did work ; the economy boomed and life was good back then. It just all goes down to who is better at being their party. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president that got us out of the depression that Hoover strengthened, by using the trickle-UP method. It just all goes down to how well you are able to do that.
Ahh ok that makes sense. <So if their more conservative I can discount libcem. and they are Labour> Right If push came to shove I would plump for the Democrats. Just on experience on how much I don't like the conservatives though.
Both serve the interests of the Corporate elites while keeping the little guy down. They are basically the same party and both hurt the low and middle class in the end.
I'm not a particular party supporter either way. It completely depends on the issue. I'm against the teaching of intelligent design, I'm for middle-class tax cuts, I'm pro-life, I'm for not giving big-business al the opportunities.
As the great governer of California put it: "I will be back!"..... ooops wrong quote.
What I meant to say was "We need to stop thinking about what's a Republican idea, what's a democrat idea, and focus on getting our country out of this recession."
That was before economists declared it to be a depression instead of just a recession.
That's just all about the business cycle. They will get their ups and downs. This just happens to be one of those downs, or "recessions". Ain't NO WAY this is a depression, that's 7x lower than what we are at now. When 44% of the country instead of ~11% is unemployed, when we can't get loans or withdraws, and when people start to sell food off the street, then you can tell me that this is a depression. Too bad its not =P
All i know is that on new years eve i used a flag with the Conservative(save the elephants? I don't think so.) parties symbol on it to start the fireplace. ---- The whole thing is circumstantial. Thinking that spending all of our government money liberally during a time of prosperity is stupid; yet so is saving your way through a recession. We need to be tough on crime, like the conservative view, but gay marriage is just not harmful in any way and makes people happy, so legalize it. There are certain occasions where it is imperative to be conservative, and some where liberalism is important. Being one way all the time no matter the situation is a good way to get your ass chopped off during a bad time for your ideology. Using the exact same strategy all the time iz stoopid!
Democrats and Republicans have one common goal give or take a litte welfare: the preservation of the Bourgeoisie. Socialists take what democrats want to the next level, and Communists go on a all-out attack on the bourgeoisie. Mean while the Fascists are like centrists adn socialists on steriods.
I beleive that a sensible Centrist government would be the best way to run the economy for our bourgeoisie dominated country.
I believe in none. Democrats are far too liberal, reforms do things that harm the country. Plus I don't really like some of the Republicans' policies like guns and energy. I believe in fascism without the racism part. Business is encouraged, the country is unified and no one wants to mess with your army.
Economically speaking, fascism heavily supports corporatism. Business is not encouraged. The government heavily supports the few elites at the top, while the rest of the people have no chance to work their way up. It is unfair competition.