Nasa is making a new space module or something along the lines of that and is have i poll on thier website for a name for the space thing. So whatever you want to vote for i suggest "Armor Games"
Do you know what exactly this new NASA vehicle is? Is it a probe or is it the Lunar Lander? Because I know that the new Lunar module's name is going to be Orion.
I just saw an article on the newspapers. Apparently a bat was clinging on to one of their rockets when it took off. Sadly, they think it got killed as the rocket climbed into orbit...
That's sorta sad. Bats are cool. I work with all sorts of birds (and mammals, but not very many. Reptiles, even fewer), helping them recover from injuries.
I think that the government has known about a massive barrage of asteroids headed our way for a long time, so they organized NASA as a cover to build giant space arks so right before the asteroids hit they send select humans up, send them into hyper sleep and a long orbit, and then later back down to Earth where they will rebuild.
I think there's a book about that. Actually, I remember reading it.
I chose Earthrise, because I think that fits best with what the node actually does. Also, there are only 2 more days to vote. The results so far are: Earthrise-8% Legacy-12% Serenity-72% Venture-7%
Oh, and by the way, under the rules, NASA says the results are not binding, so whichever one wins might not be the name of the probe. 783343 people have voted!
You can vote more then once. I think there's a day or two difference allowed between two votes. Well in probably won't make any changes as "Serenity" already won.
783343 people have voted!
Over here it says: "1105767 users have voted or submitted a name so far" A lot of people voted in such a small time interval.
Well in probably won't make any changes as "Serenity" already won.
Actually, if you read the rules, it says that NASA is not bound by this poll, that they will take the results into consideration, but that won't completely decide the winner.