It explains how many religions belived that sun was a sprt of god, and in conclusion it say's that Christanity is basically a copy of religions that were around before it. Don't start hateing, it makes a lot of points aswell. And on how many simileraities it has with the ancient egeptian religion.
Also, explains a lot about how the 9/11 bombings & 7/7 bombings make 'fractuerd' sense.
The word I would use is overwhelming SPELT WRONG who cares XD but I suppose you couldn't do $#!! with these without that little bit too much. cuz then you'd be able to think about it and come to your own conclusions, before they give you an opinion. But thats just if you're slow
I know, but I have always taken those "Theroist" as poeple sucked in because of hatred towards some of the thigs they talk about.
But what scares me is, how much this stuff connects and makes sense. Especially the 9/11 stuff. I mean on 9/11 they were having the exact same drill when it happend? And on 7/7? What are the odds?
Oh and the part where the buildings seem to 'evaportate' while jet fule goes no higher then 1000f.
When people are scared they look to whoever seems to haev the answers. When there is an attack as close to home as 9/11 the economy explodes. People are scared and they buy buy buy. Now, normally I'd say the government didn't have anything to do with it but all the people that got sick from working in the debris looking for survivors got abandoned by the government once it was all over. They said they weren't on the payroll so they weren't gonna cover their medical costs. Any government that does this obviously doesn't care too much about its people so what would a few thousand people be to them when they could make all that money?
If that link doesn't work here is the url:
Pretty much talks about corruption in the US government and US banks. It also talks about a possible future civilization and advancements of technology.
Both are great movies, but you need the time to watch them and actually pay attention.