ForumsGamesRunescape Vs WoW

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post your vote on RuneScape Or WOW

Runescape FTW!!


  • 291 Replies
1,304 posts

Wow I fail I meant! (CONCENTRATE!)

RS-2... WoW-1

1,148 posts

World of Warcraft is better than Runescape, because, it has great features, Arena's for you to fight with people, hundreds of quests to do, and the last level is 80, and when you get to 70, when you get to the last level(80)You feel so good, but you gotta get the best equipment, best weapons, and epic flying mounts...
- + _ = +
And WoW is better, cause it has more graphics than runescape, more simple to do everything, and you don't lose ALL ur loot when you die,
and Runescape is 2-D, and Wow is 3-D.
That is what i think. World of Warcraft RULEZ!

2 posts

Runescape is a piece of shit, and anyone who plays it is extremely sad, all flash games on are 100x better than it, on the other side, WoW is one of the best games out there. It's also probably the most populated computer game of all time, but i'm not quite sure. 10,000,000 people play every day, that's practically half of Australia.

10 posts

i agree with Cruze Runescape sux,ive played both WoW gets kinda lame after 1 month of playing but its stil WAAAY better than runescape

4,097 posts

WoW for sure, even though I'd rather spend my time doing something other than playing MMRPG's or w/e they're called, lol.

887 posts

Overall, I chose WoW because Runescape's graphics are a bit dull.

What you haven't heard heard of the new HD update?

You can dress up a turd but i will still look like a peice of Sh1t. I think that applys to Runescapes "HD" update.
1 posts

WoW is definitely much better.

87 posts

runescape sucks too many ignorant obnoxious people on there.

WoW is more fun and better

8 posts


29 posts

I've played both Runescape and WoW, and WoW is definitely the better of the two...
WoW has better graphics, better questlines, and is much more fun!!!
I dislike Runescape because of how primitive it is, and how you have to pay money to get anywhere in such a crap game...

3 posts

Ok i have played both. I played runescape for about a year then a friend told me about WoW tried it out. Rune scape was insanely stupid comparing the two. RS was so slow paced and you didnt even have to try in PVE. WoW is a huge game ( 11 million + players ) and just everything about it will draw your attention. Graphics are not amazing but way batter than runescapes. WoW is insanly better with no chance for RS.

147 posts

runescape is a great and fun game! i used to play world of warcraft and got level 70 in two days (fair enough i did play it non stop for a while) but it is a bit to easy to level up and the quest are like most other mmorpgs where u have to collect something or kill something, i know a lot of people would disagree but is a much more challenging game

36 posts

why do you compare these two games? do you remember the first games blizzard made? people who have entered these responses obviously have not done their research very well. some are just to critical and probably never gave runescape a chance. graphics are not everything in a game. someone stated that all the runescape storyline is that there are 3 gods fighting. they are wrong and that answer lowered their integrity of their answers. runescape has an unexpected, twisted and complex storyline. i must also state that world of warcrafts quest system is much like runescapes slayer system. in world of warcraft you get assigned monsters to kill and get xp from them. in runescape you go to a slayer master that suits your ability and get a slayer task with a set amount of monsters to kill. someone else stated that runescape is a fancied up poo but how did blizzard start making their games? they started basic to the technology of the time. i have played previous blizzard games and i loved them. warcraft games where my favourites but today they would be considered bad because of their graphics. runescape was created to be unique and it is. world of warcraft is still a good game and i give it credit. as to the maturity of runescape players many adults play the game. in freeplayer worlds i seem to come across many more immature people so that is where many got a bad taste in their mouth from. someone else stated that runescape has basic PvP but this is not true. it was stated that you "right click and eat a lobster and on world of warcraft you must use strategy and magic for your attacks" i disagree with this statement as there is much more to PvP in runescape. in runescape you use magic and your attacks. you heal and at least you get a reward if you win. for example you can cast spells on yourself before the fight and during the fight to help you win. i have experienced many bad events on world of warcraft such as a high level warrior fighting an extremely low level rogue. they run in and hit you and run away which is not how a true warrior should fight. runescape helps people set major goals and world of warcraft can to but not as much as runescape. world of warcraft encourages people to make many accounts as they all have different abilities. runescape allows more freedom to what you can do and you can stick to one account. i hate runescape in f2p but love it in members. f2p is really crap but to enjoy the game you need to pay attention to storylines and be a member with a mature mind. people seem to jump to conclusions e.g. the graphics are bad so the whole game is bad.

36 posts

I've played both Runescape and WoW, and WoW is definitely the better of the two...
WoW has better graphics, better questlines, and is much more fun!!!
I dislike Runescape because of how primitive it is, and how you have to pay money to get anywhere in such a crap game...

stop judging a game on its graphics lol they don't have a vast amount of difference. it is not like runescape is painful to look at... or maybe it is for one with such a small mind. lol WOW is an expensive game e.g. enchanting lol. none of you fools have evidence to back up your arguments so they are all useless. runescape has an awesome questline where almost all the quests intertwine into one lol just play the game. that is where the term "noob" is derived from.

P.S. your arguments make me sick. i'd say about 5% of these arguments are decent to read excluding my own.
36 posts

This is MY opinion and I am not trying to influence anybody.

Why world of warcraft is good
- The storyline has been forming for a long time (Warcraft 1 - 3)
- They constantly fix problems and glitches in game every Tuesday.
- Not only are there 100x more quests in WoW, but during endgame gameplay, some of them are repeatable.
- The combat system is superior, instead of sitting there and right clicking your opponent while eating lobsters, you actually have to time your spells correctly and thread your moves together to take down an opponent.
- The graphics are way better than Runescape. Self explanatory.
- They have more gear available for players to obtain, ranging from inferior items to epic items.
- They have a dungeon system, unlike runescape where it is always free for all. It promotes group gameplay within the game.
- WoW has more endgame material to experience, with more being added every patch.

Why Runescape is good

- Isn't as repetitive
- Take longer to skill up
- Costs less
- Takes more skill to make money.

I personally prefer World of warcraft, but that is just my personal opinion. Everyone has their preferences, some like Runescape and some like World of Warcraft, it all just comes down to what kind of game you like.
I also do not think Runescape is a bad game at all, I just find world of warcraft more exciting for my taste in gaming.


and here is my arguments for every point you put up lol
-Runescape storyline has constantly been developing ever since the game was released. i do agree however that WOW has a longer one as blizzard has been around for a long time
-runescape fixes all glitches every wednesday and urgent ones sooner (which are most glitches) i must add runescape has constant updates without huge patch downloads
- 100X more quests? a little exagerated as someone in previous post said wow only had 300 quests lol. runescape has hundreds of quests and sure ill let you count slayer tasks too if you want lol
- wow runescape has a similar combat system to WOW when you get membership other than that yes i agree with you that combat in f2p is exactly as you described it
- the graphics may be better but what is more economical? imagine if WOW was browser based... dam there goes my download limit in one go lol
- depends what level of game you are speaking when it comes to gear. f2p have near to nothing whereas members have too much. i am constantly filling my bank up with hundreds of different items all that i need for my billions of skills.
- runescape has godwars and many minigames. they have many boss monsters so i would say in that aspect that they are fairly equal and none are better than the other. i have seen hundreds of players meet to do events and mini games in clans. (clans can also be known as guilds in WoW)
- runescape is constantly updated and there is allways a place to explore or a skill to train in members worlds.

-runescape can be repetitive but so can any game i make it so runescape is not repetitive when i play it.
- i agree runescape does take much longer to get a skill maxed
- obviously runescape costs less which is compensated by loss of graphics
- lol depends because in f2p it is hard to make money on runescape but in members it is easy as there are aviansies and other grinding methods.

these two games result in a large amount of conflict when being compared to one another and it proves the maturity of the people with the responses. your response is one of the good ones as it is not flaming.
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