ForumsGame WalkthroughsHelp and how-to play Perspectite?

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405 posts

Please help me here.. I have yet to know what to do. Thanks.

  • 2 Replies
405 posts


This helps:
Depth doesn't exist, make objects of different depth (background and foreground)
And when those two collide, they'll interact to go to the next level.

Also! Cheat (skips chapters):
Right click in-game and press forward. Also use Back and Rewind.

405 posts

Level by level spoiler... :

Level one, notice the "Perspectite" has a little curl in it's hair? Move the hook of the crane into the left of the curl. It'll pick it up. Now take it to the rotating gear and move the "Perspectite's curl onto it so it'll slide down the line.

Level two, Small level, just move down until the little guy on the castle matches up with the farthest hill, and it'll slide down.

Level three, Move up and to the right to grab the "Perspectite" with the swinging vine. then move down to the far left corner until he looks like he's swinging into the button to press it. Clouds will come up, then go to the butterfly and swing into it.

Level four, This is a fairly blank level, three areas, the square/button, the black hill with mysterious equipment, and the "Perspective" on the moon.
- you'll notice midway, to the right just a tad, there is a pad sticking out of the middle ground (hill), move the moon onto that pad.
An blue energy beem will start up over the button, now just move the "Perspectite" into the beam, and whal-a!

Game over.

4 levels, simple, I'm guessing just a filler or suggestion for the gaming and scripting community.

Have fun!

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