Why do we get dreams? I know in bible times , God would send dreams as messeges( or angles ) to people. But I still don't know why we get dreams. Anyone have any logical answers?
I think dreams are random thoughts that go through your mind while alseep. These thoughts may not actually be comepletely random, though. They could be based on what has happened previously, like something you're dwelling on, or just some random thing that's happened.
That has been proven in a little accidental experiment of mine. If anyone remembers that devastating tornado that hit Oklahoma City about 10 years; well I lived there at the time. Many of my friends' homes were destroyed. Luckily no one I knew died, but it greatly affected me. For the two weeks after that I had different dreams of me living life and somehow being consumed into that tornado. Of course one trial isn't good enough to form fact, but I think there have been tests on it.
And one thing that I've dreamed that came true was the way my sister would look when she was 7, four months before she was born. This is one of the reasons I put something about your mind putting together things in an unbiased way. My mind went through and combined my parents and out popped my sister's face. Granted the dream itself never came true since it was a mini-tornado chasing me and my family in a car in the middle of nowehere. >_>
Now that is hard to believe. I would never remember a face that I saw once, for 7 years. It could be a combination of a dream and Deja Vu. Of course who am I to judge memories of dreams.
Within 10 minutes of having a dream, 50% of its content is forgotten. Within 24 hours, 90% of its content is forgotten. Most people will be able to remember the gist of dreams, but not the fine details, unless they write them down of course.
If you are not having any dreams, you are scared of the future.
Actually, most of the time, if you aren't having dreams, you probably have an iron deficiency. Most people dream about 5 times a night, except you can only remember a few each month.
As for being afraid of the future, different dreams symbolise different things, normally chase dreams mean that you are afraid of something or an upcoming event. The site I have provided earlier on in the thread is quite informative.
i probably have dreams but i cant remmeber them and only sometimes i can actually remember them i find that we dream about 5 times a night interesting firefly
Well you say that I should've have forgotten most of the dream predicting my sister's face unless I wrote it down, but it's one of those things that for some reason your mind sticks it into your long-term memory and you never forget it. It's just one of those things you can't explain because you're thinking too logically about it. :|
I do have a lot of dreams that I forget almost immediately, but this dream I spoke of is the single dream I can remember exactly.
I think it's because once he had it once, he couldn't stop thinking about it because of how terrifying it was to him. He then bagan to dwell on it and it keeps recurring as a nightmare.
I have the same dream every now and then. I have like three dreams that repeat themselves once or twice a year. Also, I'm able to remember most of what happens in my dreams.
you might not remember most of it, you could just have really detailed dreams thus making you think you remembered most of it, I used to get a reoccurring dream where I was siting in an old chair blindfolded, I cant remember most of it, all i know is when I got the blindfold off there were snakes everywhere, yeah I hate snakes.