Well it's pretty self-explanatory! Have at it! You can even add your own! Rules: Just follow this format: [Quote here] ~[Author Name Here]
Mine is:
Like birds, like planes, like the sky and the grass. We all have colors, strength, and beauty, but it's only the matter of how you take them, know them, see them, and use them. ~choazmachine
Live small, dream big. ~ unknown
Your opinion matters, but your opinion is crap if you don't have any evidence. ~ Oceans of Wisdom Jarvis [My Global Studies Teacher]
"For every sixty seconds of anger, you lose sixty seconds of happiness" anonymous. Lol idk who said that but i love the quote. I found it in the planners my school hands out :P
"Quote-threads are more often than not just c/p spam, even if someone reminds others to give an explanation. People won't listen." -Me. Meaning, if this isn't going to be locked next time I see it, you ought to do more than just post the quote.