Role playing game vs. first person shooter, in case you aren't quite geeky enough. Which one do you think is better? I personally like RPGs more, but I want to hear other peoples' opinions.
RPG. They come with amazing storylines, days of play time and all kinds of sweet spells and attacks. I love exploring the world and trying to do all the side mission stuff.
FPS because anything unexpected can happen at any time and in rpg your limited in your choices. even if they're bad. so i like fps better because of choice and freedom.
This is irrelevant, we all know they are their differences, I personally prefer FPS, until now, my internet is completely out of whack with this router. I like a mix of RPG and action personally, sword craft story rapes.
I personally like RPG's better but there are a lot of good FPS's out there that are good also. I just happen to prefer RPG's. I like the feeling of growing stronger. Like when you enter a new area you are fighting to stay alive but after a few levels you are killing the bad guys with ease. I also like the general more laid back pace of RPG's where you can explore and take your time for hours just messing around.