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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingNicho's Writing Thread [Archives on Pg 47]

512 292504
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Since thisnotalt( pretty sure I got the spelling wrong) suggested it, I think I will create a thread just to post my stories. Ok now to find them... *Digs deep into the AMW Section to find his stories*

  • 512 Replies
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

About the poem is very well written, has of course lots of emotions, which it transmits to the reader, also it reminds me one of the best poems ever, I may brake a rule but I have to post it:

George Seferis

"You cannot sleep in Platres for the nightingales".
Shy nightingale, hidden among whispering leaves,
you bring the echoing coolness of the forest
to the sundered souls and bodies
of those who know there can be no return.
Blind voice, fumbling in the dark of memory
for footsteps, gestures, what I dare not call kisses,
and the slave-woman's sullen anger.

"You cannot sleep in Platres for the nightingales".

Where is Platres? Does anybody know this island?
All my life I've heard strange names,
new places, the latest foolishness
of men or gods;
my fate, weaving
between the final sword-thrust of some Ajax
and another Salamis,
brought me to this sea-coast.
The moon
rises out of the sea like Aphrodite,
covering Sagittarius, then seeks
the heart of Scorpio, changing everything.
Where is truth?
I too was an archer in those wars,
my fate that of a man whose arrow strayed.

Nightingale, songsmith,
on such a night as this by the shores of Proteus' sea
the Spartan slave-women heard your song and wept,
and among them (who would have guessed it) Helen!
She, whom we sought for years along Scamander's banks.
There on the desert's cusp I touched her and she spoke to me:
"Lies", she cried, "lies,
"I never stepped into the blue-prowed ship,
never trod glorious Ilium".

Deep-girdled, sun-dappled hair, that long body,
shadows, smiles everywhere
on shoulders thighs knees,
the flaring skin, and those eyes
with their great lashes
- all there, on the bank of the Delta.
And in Ilium?
In Ilium, nothing - a simulacrum.
So the gods wished it.
And Paris embraced a shadow as if it had been flesh and blood,
while for ten long years we butchered one another over Helen.

Greece haemorrhaged.
So many bodies thrown
to the jaws of the sea, to the jaws of the earth:
so many souls
flung between the millstones like grains of wheat.
And blood bubbling up through river mud,
for a flaxen wave for a passing cloud
a butterfly's wingbeat a swandown's drift
all for an empty tunic, a Helen.
And what of my brother?
Nightingale nightingale nightingale,
what is a god? What's not a god? What falls between the two?

"You cannot sleep in Platres for the nightingales".

Sad bird,
on sea-girt Cyprus
which I was promised in memory of my homeland,
I landed alone with this fable,
if indeed it is a fable,
if it is true that men will never again
fall into the gods' ancient snare;
if it is true
that in ages to come another Teucer,
some other Ajax Hecuba or Priam
or someone perhaps nameless, unknown, who yet
has seen Scamander heave with corpses,
will be spared the words
of messengers coming to say
that so much suffering so many lives
went spinning into the abyss
all for an empty tunic, for a Helen.

3,337 posts

I would like to take the time to apologise for my constant state of depression and weariness, I know it tires and upsets the people that care for me.

It doesn't tire me~

A Forlorn Period, A Burst Of Emotions , Cause No One Cares And No One Cries

I still don't understand it...
But it still makes me cry.

And finally, I'm sorry for everything I'm going to say Jess. I'm sorry for the price you must pay for me being a horrilbe person. Kill me, avoid me, shun me if you want. I'm sorry.

You know how I'm retaliating to that.
I can't really say what I want here.
But I will say one thing;
If you honestly think your a horrible person, perhaps you should contact a phsychiatrist.

(Knowing you, you'd take that the wrong way. I don't mean it literally. You're one of the nicest people I know.)
6,800 posts

How to be a 'Mind Doctor'.

1) have a nice couch

2) have a box of tissues

3) constantly say 'and how does that make you feel', and such

4) at the end of the appointment, tell the victim, er, patient that they need to come back for another annalisis, and further treatment.

5) put you earnings into a highsecrurity, impregnable swiss vault, conveintaly located in the black forrest region of Germany.

840 posts

If you honestly think your a horrible person, perhaps you should contact a phsychiatrist.

can someone give me the number of a good phyciatrist?
3,550 posts

can someone give me the number of a good phyciatrist?

Ohhh, i can see why. Lols

You aren't a horrible person, you are a very nice person and a caring one to.
9,821 posts

Nich, I think a lot of the depression is really a baseless feeling of inadequacy. I know what that feels like - people telling you you're not inadequate makes you feel worse, right? That's what I've found. When mixed with depression, it's especially vile - find something, in your case writing, to pour out your emotions, to free your mind. Don't do much of anything else if you can, trust me.

3,337 posts

Nichodemus won't be online for a while.
Firstly because he's quit AG. Well.. on a hiatus... but don't worry, he'll be back when he feels up to it.
Secondly, hes rather ill at the moment. He has influenza.. (*concerned face*). I've been asked to tell you all.

One more thing...
" I'm not on AIM as a stupid virus wiped out every single program on my com." - Nich

3,550 posts

He has influenza..

Ouch. That sucks.

" I'm not on AIM as a stupid virus wiped out every single program on my com." - Nich

Well that just sucks even more.
13,817 posts

Secondly, hes rather ill at the moment. He has influenza.. (*concerned face*). I've been asked to tell you all.

That's bad. Though, I recently had influenza too. Though I'm good now. Hope he gets well.

Well, I'll be back when he returns.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke


Breaking a ban that my parents enforced.

I'm going to be rather inactive in the future, though I'll still update this thread, KOA, the short story contest. And you'll basically find me in the poetry contest thread, Jess' thread, and a few other threads.

Yes, it is influenza. Though it isn't swine flu (hopefully).

Good bye. Good luck. May God be with you.

13,817 posts

Well, I hope you recover speedily.

It took me a week to recover.

3,550 posts


Hope you get better.

Breaking a ban that my parents enforced.

A ban?
2,636 posts


Seriously, I hope you get better. A nice hot chocolate, and lots of rest will do you well.

And stay away from the computer, it will melt your brains.

3,337 posts

A ban?

Banned from AG~~
From us~
(Sorry Nich)

A nice hot chocolate, and lots of rest will do you well.

Mhm try getting him to rest...
It's impossible *sigh*
2,917 posts

Awww.... AG is slowly falling apart. TO NICHODEMUS!

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