Since thisnotalt( pretty sure I got the spelling wrong) suggested it, I think I will create a thread just to post my stories. Ok now to find them... *Digs deep into the AMW Section to find his stories*
Good command of rhyme, but a shame the lack of consistent meter weakens a verbal reading of it. If Alt is stubborn about meter...Lord knows I'm ten times more stubborn than him about it.
You use a lot of perfect rhyme, near rhyme, elided rhyme, etc.
But really Nich, your lack of caring about meter is putting your poetic potential under a tempered glass ceiling. It's about a hundred times more important then you think it is - it's the heartbeat of poetry. A poem without a consistent heartbeat is like a human without a consistent heartbeat - something's wrong that needs attention. It's important to have at least a very basic meter, maybe supplemented with different foots every now and then.
In my poems, I usually switch off between trochaic and iambic, or dactylic and anapestic - with a Pyrrhic or Spondaic foot thrown in every now and then.
I've gotten worse about meter lately though. . . .
You've mastered rhyming. You need to try experimenting with meter though - all elements of poetry are important.
But really Nich, your lack of caring about meter is putting your poetic potential under a tempered glass ceiling. It's about a hundred times more important then you think it is - it's the heartbeat of poetry. A poem without a consistent heartbeat is like a human without a consistent heartbeat - something's wrong that needs attention. It's important to have at least a very basic meter, maybe supplemented with different foots every now and then.
Or the person realizes whats wrong, gos to the hospital, but dies on the way there due to the fact blood is coming in irreular quantities to differnt parts of his/her body, causing them to turn grey, then die.
Heck, I like the poem. But then again, Alt's not on me for the meter problem. We have opposite problems.
And I'm merely an amateur who writes something, edits it, revises it, and then wishes he had never wrote it because it takes up too much time. AND an amateur who doesnt have a knack for rhyming. I can write stories, but there ussualy not that good. And the good ones are drowned out by the bad ones. *lays face down on the ground*
Ah huh. But meter terms confuses me. To be honest, I'm merely an amateur who happens to have inspiration in abundance, and a knack for rhyming.
Iambic meter is one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM
Trochaic is the opposite of iambic. It has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. DA-dum-DA-dum-DA-dum-DA-dum
Anapestic is where there are two unstressed syllables followed by a stresse syllable. da-da-DUM-da-da-DUM-da-da-DUM-da-da-DUM
Dactylic meter is when there's a stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables: DA-da-dum-DA-da-dum-DA-da-dum-DA-da-dum
There are also types of special foots (a foot is one part of the meter in a line: in iambic, it would be one da-DUM, for example) called Spondaic and Pyrrhic.
A Spondaic foot is two stressed syllables. It's usually added to depict extra stress on something. da-DUM-da-DUM-DA-DUM-da-DUM-da-DUM
A Pyrrhic foot is, inversely, two unstressed syllables. It usually depicts less stress on something.
Did that help some? That's basic meter. I would go into pentameter, tetrameter and such, but it would be impolite to post a WoT in someone else's writing thread