ForumsForum GamesIn the End (RPG)

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Pre-Message: I have surfed many forums and forum RPGs. I don't like the way most are set up. Stats get annoying, turn-by-turn battles are cliched and those RPGs always fall apart. So I had the idea for a different kind of RPG. No stats, no interface bars. Just you, making your way, deciding your fate, and making your own choices.


The year? 2021. The world economy is now in ruins. Crime rates are 7x higher than they were 12 years ago. The opposite of inflation happened; money is so scarce that it is quite valuable. The population of the world has decreased incredibly. Wars and global disputes have run resources low. America has basically ceased to exist; riots and corruption uprooted the government, and without direction, the people turned the world into pure chaos. It seems that everyone is corrupt, or dead, and few are to be trusted. Now, it is every man for himself. This? Well, that is easily answered. This... is the End.

You are just a person living in terrible times. Corruption and war have basically destroyed the world, and now barely anybody can be trusted. You must make choices that impact whether you will survive, and sacrifices for what you believe should be done. Perhaps even fix the problem of what caused this massacre to happen.


You are you (you = your ideal character for what you want to do in this game). There aren't stats, all you need is a character sheet. This is to be as simple as possible.

Name: Example
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Description: 5'6, 150 LBs, Brown hair greenish/blue eyes.
Traits: (more on these later)



Traits are passive benefits that effect the way your character's lives. Here is a list of traits with their effects:

Military Procedures: You were trained the basic ways of gun handling and safety procedures.
Bravery: You are brave, making you more likely to successfully complete a risky task.
Burly: You are stronger than the average Joe.
Like a Ninja: You have improved reflex and dodging abilities... like a ninja.
Disarm: You are good at disarming potential enemies.
Cheap Shot: You can incapacitate enemies with high skill.
Eagle Eye: You are good with your eyes and pay much attention to detail.
Computer Savvy: You know a lot about computers, hacking, and how to retrieve hidden documents, codes, and that type of thing.
Marksman: You are generally a good aim with any firearm or thrown object.
Bomb Tech: You know how to identify, use, and disarm bombs and all kinds of explosive devices and related equipment.
Bandit: You are exceptionally good at stealing, pickpocketing, and lock picking.
Iron Man: You are tougher than the average person, able to take hits better than most other people.
Driver: You can operate vehicles that have wheels with exceptional skill.
Crafty: You are good at making things from basic materials that are found often.
Scavenger: You excel at finding items.
Hardened Criminal: Years of a bad lifestyle have shaped you. You feel no pity, remorse, or fear, and can are a dangerous person.
Escape Artist: You can escape most situations. Remember, you can't run for ever.
Medic: You have an improved knowledge of medicines and their uses.
Sprinter: You can run for long periods of time.
Logical: You are more intelligent than most others.
Cunning: You can often outsmart others.

Your character only gets 3 traits, so choose them wisely! Remember, they effect your (almost) every action. As the game progresses people may gain more traits.


You start out with $25. That isn't a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to earn money out there. You also need basic life needs: food and shelter. Can't live on nothing, can you? It should make more sense when we start.


Here is what is located in the shop, what the item does, and the price:

Dull Knife- $5- can cut weak things.
Sharp Knife- $15- can cut durable things.
Crowbar- $15- can pry apart objects.
Hatchet- $15- can chop brittle materials.
Brass Knuckles- $15- can inflict much pain.

Gasoline- $3/gal- Some gasoline (comes in a red gas can). Flamable
Rags- $3- enough cloth for 3 moltov's.
Lock Pick- $5- A single lock pick, can be used until it breaks.
Lock Picking Set- $25- An advanced lock pick mechanism, that doesn't break and is more successful at picking locks than a basic lock pick.

Water- $1/bottle- the best medicine, also refreshing.
Cheap Beer- $1/bottle- hardly refreshing.
Vodka- $4/bottle- a heavier alcohol. Flamable.

Fingerless Gloves- $10- Improves your ability to steal.
Tennis Shoes- $15- Improves your ability to run.
Arm Band- $5- Makes you more intimidating, but can get you into trouble.
Hoodie- $20- Makes you conceal your identity easier.

Bicycle- $20- Improves your speed.

Store note: more tools will be introduced into the game later, along with guns and more vehicles.

Now we can get started. No more than 5 people please, if we don't get a lot than I will join the game myself. If you don't understand something, just ask.

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