ForumsGamesChaos Faction 2?

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Chaos Faction 2

I have just found out that Chaos Faction 2 is near completion and DP is planning to release it around Easter. That's only a month or two from now! Hurray! (It's been like a year or two since Chaos Faction was released. It sure took a long time to make the sequel.)

  • 401 Replies
93 posts

Don't stay near other people when using sniper rifles, stick bombs, or RPG's.

Sniper rifles' bullets ONLY deal damage if the target is being aimed at by your character. Your character's auto-aim is shown by the red laser sight on the rifle. Therefore, when that beam isn't visible, your bullets won't do anything. So don't shoot sniper rifles in mid-air. Also, doing a stomp-shoot combo works very well. After a stomp, the beam will appear immediately, and you should shoot immediately too. Remember, sniper rifles are 1 hit kills.

Put mines and cherry bombs near the re-spawn point.

When using the gun that switches you and your target's positions, fall into a ditch then shoot.

Tasers are very cheap. Abuse them when you can.

Start holding the Z or X button with a minigun a little bit before your targets get within firing range, since the minigun takes a moment to start up.

When reloading a sniper rifle, you can't do midair jumps or quick swipes.

Multi-target weapons like RPG's and dark energy should be focused on groups of enemies.

Hitting walls with stick grenades can be effective for killing nearby people. Don't run forward while throwing them or else you'll kill yourself.

If you prefer my strategy or something similar, pick up all the weapons then throw them into a ditch to prevent enemies from using them, especially with dangerous weapons like ray guns, tasers, and RPG's.

On a side note, I tried to record a video of me using my strategy just now, but the framerate turned out to be awful. I'll try it again on a lower quality, and if I manage to get it on youtube or something, I'll send you guys a link

2,765 posts
2,765 posts

Your tactic seems exactly like my Hand 2 Hand tactic in survival. Except I use fully powered punches not quick swipes.

20,591 posts

Fists are pretty strong, but later on in survival I can't dodge enough attacks to get rage. Go for stronger crates, like dark energy, taser, RPG, homing missle, cannon, etc.

93 posts

Fully powered punches can be pretty useful earlier on, but Quick Swipes are quicker (obviously) and can be spammed in case of failure.

I managed to fix my framerate issues I'm currently uploading a video of me using Quick Swipes in survival.

20,591 posts

So what's the best combo to do quick swipes?

93 posts

Run towards them, and once you're right in front of them, jump and do a quick swipe immediantely after. It takes some practice to do properly. The point is to hit a standing enemy with the beginning of a Quick Swipe. If you mess up the timing by a bit, that's OK. You should've at least hit them a bit, and you can follow up with an aerial-X and juggle them, or start doing rapid Quick Swipes through them, or something. Quick Swipes can do a lot of damage very quickly if you know what you're doing, and they can get you easy Rage Attacks too

My video should be done uploading in just a few minutes

20,591 posts

Run towards them, and once you're right in front of them, jump and do a quick swipe immediantely after. It takes some practice to do properly.

A quick-up kick or sky uppercut (punch)?

If you mess up the timing by a bit, that's OK. You should've at least hit them a bit, and you can follow up with an aerial-X and juggle them, or start doing rapid Quick Swipes through them, or something. Quick Swipes can do a lot of damage very quickly if you know what you're doing, and they can get you easy Rage Attacks too

What about shield?
93 posts

A quick swipe. Not as in a fast attack, but like that dash that you can do by pressing Z+X in midair.

If they shield, then no harm done. You can easily repeat Quick Dashes again and again. I've personally never had that problem... CPU's usually aren't smart or fast enough to shield such things.

Youtube video being processed

2,765 posts

Want to know a few tips:

If you have a machine gun (with all bullets) it's bullets last longer then a shield. So just keep on shooting and your opponents shield will wear off.

Ghosts can't fall into those mouse trap things. It was really annoying because that was the last enemy I faced when I got my high score of 19 KO'S and I WOULD HAVE WON if he had fallen into a mouse trap that he walked over.

20,591 posts

A quick swipe. Not as in a fast attack, but like that dash that you can do by pressing Z+X in midair.

Hit both at the same time?

If they shield, then no harm done. You can easily repeat Quick Dashes again and again. I've personally never had that problem... CPU's usually aren't smart or fast enough to shield such things.

How do you get away quickly after completing a false swipe, and what do you do if they have a strong weapon?
20,591 posts

If you have a machine gun (with all bullets) it's bullets last longer then a shield. So just keep on shooting and your opponents shield will wear off.

The uzi, or the rifle?

Ghosts can't fall into those mouse trap things. It was really annoying because that was the last enemy I faced when I got my high score of 19 KO'S and I WOULD HAVE WON if he had fallen into a mouse trap that he walked over.

If we set ourselves as ghost feet, would we have that ability as well?
93 posts

Yeah, hit Z and X at the same time.

The thing is, you DON'T get away. Not that you can't possibly escape or anything, it's just that you need to be relentless with your Quick Swipes. Don't give your target any space to breathe. If you do this, then after a while, you should be able to take down most enemies in seconds, without a weapon.

If they have a tough weapon that makes them hard to approach, then avoid their weapon until either it runs out of ammo, or until you have a good opporunity to Quick Swipe. Remember, quick swipes and aerial attacks make your target drop their weapon.

To prevent that situation from even happening, throw all the weapons that spawn into ditches. It can really be a lifesaver.

2,765 posts

If we set ourselves as ghost feet, would we have that ability as well?

Ghosts don't have feet

The uzi, or the rifle?

I mean mini gun. TYPO.
93 posts

Sorry, I forgot to mention, if you use my technique, you should probably use mousetraps, tasers, ninja stars, and other useful and quick weapons. The majority of your attacks should still be Quick Swipes and aerials though. long does it take to process a video O_O

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