Apparently, the United Nations has passed a resolution that insulting or "defaming" religion is an affront to human rights. What do you think of this? Is it respectful? Is it right? Does it violate free speech rights? What do you think?
First, this articles about Islam almost completely so it's not all religion. Second no it doesn't violate freedom of speech as a sumpreme court justice said "You can't yell fire in a crowded theater" you also can't insualt people like that..well i mean you can so this is but isnt restricting speech.
I never said that. . .see the question marks? I was asking people what they think, not stating my views on the subject. You fail. Also, the article stated that it was prohibiting defamation of all religion, not just Islam.
Personally, I think some people really don't listen to that free speech rights thing. There was a college student handing out tracts on a campus once. The campus authorities threatened to kick him out of the college if he continued. If you ask me, that is a violation of the "free speech rights." The problem, though, is that nobody cares when it comes to Christianity.
@fourtytwo: the reason Islam appears "untouchable" in this issue is because of threats of violence. There was a comic with Muhammad in it, showing his face, in a newspaper comic a few years ago, and over the next few days, there were suicide bombings all over that country. I think it's mainly because the few Christian extremists out there don't threaten to kill people who defame their religion.