What do you think the meaning of life is? Of course this question won't be answered once and for all here on Armor Games, but I find it very interesting to think about and I was curious as to what you guys think about it.
Eat, drink and be merry... lol. I guess the meaning to life is it has no meaning? We're born, we eat, we take up space, destroy stuff, we grow old and die. Unless theres some afterlife where are actions here determine what happens there, then nothing. Then again im in an emo mood right now...
42 is the answer to life the universe and everything (or "what do yo get when you multply six by nice" "I always knew their was something fundamentally wrong with the universe"
The meaning of life is (as stated before) to multiply, humans get a bit more choice as far as instincts go but most animals just breed because of a basic instinct to do so. Anything above the need to pass on genetic information is an add on and unnecesary.