ForumsGame WalkthroughsBoss Guide and Tips- Don't Look Back

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|Boss Guide|

There are only two bosses in the game.

The first one is a dog thing. It will attack by jumping into you. The easiest way to defeat it is to go under it when it jumps, then turn around and shoot it's tail. shooting anywhere else besides the tail will do no damage. It takes three hits to kill.

The second boss is a giant yeti thing. It will attack by sending non-boss enemies after you, creating spikes on the cieling to fall, and send white missle-like bursts torwards you. There are two platforms in the stage. The only place the yeti can be hurt is when you shoot it in the head. You need to climb the platforms metioned before to get level with it's head. It's harder than it sounds though because the platforms dissapear and reappear, and the yeti will ussually aim it's white bursts at them. It takes 5 hits to kill it.

Here are the Tips.

After you rescue the ghost, you're not allowed to turn around(Well you can but you die if you do).

You don't have to kill all the enemies on the screen to go on most of the time. If you're having trouble with a certain one dodge the enemies and go strait for the end of the screen.

I enjoyed this game alot, but I think the only reason other people are giving it a bad rating is for the lack of storyline and the graphics.

  • 3 Replies
890 posts

tell me what you think of it

5 posts

The guides ok.

11,891 posts

So that's how you beat the boss. I've been jumping over the dog and shooting at it but it never seems to do anything.

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