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You a a budding freelance hitman who just got his first job. (read below for more info...) To sign up, post here in the following format...

Name: Make up something cool!
HP: 100/100 (Will go down, never higher)
Cash: $1000 (Will get cash for completing misisons, more if you are lucky! )
Weapons: 9mm Pistol (With Silencer) (You can buy more as you go along, watch out, all are not available at first...)

What you are going to do: This is where you plan how you will assassinate your target. You type a general idea of what you will do to kill this target with utmost efficiency! Once I have seen it, I go to a random number generator (online) and depending on the number that is produced, the higher it is, the better the outcome! (don't worry, I wont fib! You will not EVER have knowledge of your number!!

OK, here is your first target.

A small time rival gangster will be at lunch today. It will be a big hotel/restraunt, so we are inserting in the penthouse. There is a building opposite it, but without a sniper, you could not hit your target. There are lots of tables, but remember, be discreet, noone should see you, or know that you shot this man.
Good luck.

After every mission, you will be given a summery, what outcomes there are, and then a shop. What is in the shop is random but the same for everyone after mission x (x being variable) Have fun with it guys!

One more thing. Dont go superhero. This should be a realistic as possible. If you shoot someone in the leg, or get shot, you aint gonna move as fast, cause you just got shot in the leg mate! And without some form of ladder, or grappeling hook, you can't just jump on to a roof or something!

P.S. If you have a low number, you may have to battle each other for your target!
PP.SS. If you do die, you can revive yourself for half of your total cash. (You will also lose one of you guns at random, but only if you have two or more, you can not use lose your only one.)

  • 53 Replies
575 posts

You posted the same thing 6 times just so you know.

124 posts

WTF??? 6 times, jeez... I clicked it once!!!! :0


You go to your targets place and watch his movements. You see that the food is driven in and out. You see that the only way to get in is too pose as the driver. You stop the driver on the road and ask for a light. As he bends down you shoot him in the head. You take his uniform and drive to the targets location. After ariving, you hide 2 M9 pistols in the food and begin to deliver it. The cultist is not happy. He wants his old driver. After muh explanation that he has a contagious strain of the flu, he accepts the food. He sees one of the pistols hanging out. He takes that plate first and takes the rest before you could take your guns out! You think for a sec. You say that you are feeling hungry but before you can finish the sentance he has YOUR gun to your head. You begin to walk away with your hands in your head. You bluff that it isnt loaded. He doesnt buy it and fires inbetween your legs. You dive out of the way. You run for the car. Luck has it that the driver kept a 12 gauge under the car seat. You take it and pump a few rounds off at your target. You miss. You decide that running will conserve your life. You blindly fire your shotgun while driving away, clean getaway.

Overall Outcomes

+ 12 Gauge Shotgun


Bandages - $50 - Heals 15HP. Can be taken into field or used in your base. 3 max in field.
M9 - $400 - A lightweight, 20 round magazine pistol. Comes with silencer, good range.
Atache Case - $500 - Fits 1 pistol in their. But can be taken through metal detectors.
12 Gauge Shotgun - $1000 - Hide it somewhere in case it all hits the fan. A good thing to have in an emergency.

Give me a little while before I post Mission 5, need to think of it!

1 posts

HP: 100/100
Cash: $1000
Weapons: 9mm Pistol (With Silencer)

plz sign me up.

Do you know who i am, guess who but don't say here.

271 posts

Name: Dark
HP: 100/100
Cash: $350
Weapons: 9mm Pistol (Silenced)

I buy some poison and an atache case.
I buy a ticket for the flight and put a knife and the poison in the case.
I walk through like anyone else and sit 1 seat behind and 1 to the side of the target.
I throw the knife into his leg unnoticeably...
The man cries in pain and I claim to have some medical ability...
I give him a drink which supposedly to stop the blood from coming out so quick..
The drink was a bottle of water mixed with poison making the effects take a few hours to sink in...
While the target is getting transported to his house, he dies in the taxi...
The police suspect the taxidriver...
Mission Accomplished...

271 posts

BTW, that is for Mission 2... I've been off a bit...

128 posts

I Buy The 50.Cal Sniper Rifle And The Raido Distoration

Weapon's:9mm Gun (With Silencer) Sniper Rifle Raido Distoration

Ok Mission 3 In Progress

I Go To There Base Dressed In My Trusty Army Disguase I Walk In He(The Guy I Gotter Kill) Ask's For My Name I Say Pvt.Thomas Sir He Replie's Have You Had Basic Training I Answer Negative He Take's Me To The Shooting Range And I Get Given A Gun He Order's Me To Shoot At he Target It's Only Me And Him I Fire At The Target Distance Away As He Goes To Check It I Shoot Him I Run Into Base Saying Everyone The Commander(Or Whatever Rank He Is)Is Dead I Think By A Sniper I'll get The Other's I Tell Everyone Then I Slip Away While Running Telling Everyone

Mission Succes??

359 posts

Name: Blackout
HP: 100/100
Cash: $1000
Weapons: 9mm Pistol Silenced

So what I start with my post to what I would do to beat Mission 1?

575 posts


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