I regret to inform you that it has come to the Moderation Team's attention that all this time, Strop has been lying to all of us.
Yesterday he admitted to not actually being a real medical student - he has actually gotten his medical knowledge from websites and books. He continued to ramble on about how this and the fact that he was made a mod to begin with really excited him, but now has gotten overhand and is making him stressed out. Therefore he came clean about it, and asked Carlie to delete his account, which I am sure she'll do as soon as she gets online.
I just thought you'd like to know, as many of you liked him. :<
Oh snap... two people can't be on without conspiracy theories? I don't even see him on the active list?
I have actually had a really bad lack of communication on this whole thing apparently, and need to read though this thread, because I don't even know what is happening. All I know is that he shut down his comments, and asked that he have his moderator privileges removed.
If you're wondering about the occasional occurrence of his name in the active users list, I can inform that it's because he is arranging stuff with Carlie... As you may have noticed she needed to get some explanation directly from him.
He is probably just cleaning out, reading the last couple of threads and then leave. A little sad, but it had to come to an end. He has been talking about it for as long as I can remember. It was even a part of SoS.