1. Universal expansion. how far do you think the universe goes? infinity? Are we just one solar system that was part of an experiment of someone? being fooled to think it is infinite? what happens after we leave our bubble? I personally thin it goes on in infinite in all directions. but I'm just one person, WAY too early to make a good guess.
2. Intelligent life. Are there other beings in the universe capable of high technology other then humans? Or are we the special planet in the universe? i personally think there are numerous other planets with intelligent life on them, the universe is too vast to just hold one planet like earth. but I don't believe that people are abducted by aliens,but i do think they exist somewhere in the universe. but like before, i'm just one person, WAY too early to make a good guess.
3. how was the universe created? were we created by a superior being? or like before, are we just some experiment? was the Big bang the thing that started our universe? if so, then where did the explosion come from? I cant really make a guess on this one at all. the creation of the universe is too complicated.
4. Armageddon. How will the universe end? will there be a universal war at some point? maybe a second big bang? or will the universe last forever? i personally think that the universe will last forever, but that doesn't mean earth will. the space inside the the universe might stay, but the matter inside it may one day be destroyed
We don't really do with the exact same thread in two locations. I'll read through it in a moment and figure out where it most likely fits best. This one gets locked, though.