Ok i cant find the article/report etc so i know some of u wont beleive me, BUT 4 anyone who does...
There were "Tea Parties" being set in the US. People from the community would come together and talk about the government basically. And the government came in and said that they couldnt do this, why no one knows. Any theories?
Don't much about US tea parties and what people talk about on them but it's hard for me to believe that government prohibited community conversations. There would probably be a lot of complaints if this really happened. But who knows...
Well, many are going on here in Southern Cali, and I've never heard of that happening. And, yes, this is a direct violation of the "right to free assembly", as mentioned in the first amendment.
its against the first amendment rights like agent said..so if the government had tried to stop them those people would be bit.ching and moaning and it would be all over the news and newspapers. i haven't seen anything like that so i doubt it happened. if it did happen the government must have been really convincing because non of those political activists have spoken about it at all.
Tea Parties have been held across the country the past couple of months. There's going to be a large organized effort on the 15th, which is tax day in the U.S. I imagine the police will leave the protesters alone as long as they don't cause any property damage, etc.