The title tells everything. I started this topic, because there are lots of strange musical instruments, and they are interesting. If you can take picture in, please do it!!!
I don't know about you guys, but I think of a bong whenever I see it.
I think of it as a duck whenever I hear it....
Another weird instrument for me is the Erhu, which is kinda like a violin. The weird part about it is the tone, which sounds like it's a vocal instrument... If you have the DVD for Mulan II, the starter screen would have the erhu in the musical background.
Looking at the pictures of all of the multi-necked guitars, my first thought is, "What's the point?" You can only play one at a time.
Of course this is completely ignoring the fact that they look neat. The only practical purpose I can think of is to have each one tuned in a different key. Although why you'd need four or five guitars each in a different key is beyond me.
At any rate, as far as odd instruments go, I quite enjoy the mountain dulcimer. They're fun to play, I should dig mine out!