P=peon tower S=start F=finish !=wall E=enemy route start like this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP F SPEP F SPEEP F !EPEP ! !EPEP ! !EEEP ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This isnt perfectly accurate but it should look like that make sure no enemy gets throuh openings of your maze hope this helps if you have any more suggestions or tips please post them in this forum for other ppland remember to build on to your maze and upgrade towers
It doesn't work at all, maybe I did it wrong. Try taking a screenshot of your tactic and posting it so it's clearer. Also did you try this out in the easy medium or hard mode?
srry zihark dont have a camera at this moment let me try again P=peon tower S=start F=finish !=wall i think the enemy route part confused u try this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP F SP P F S P P F ! P P ! ! P P ! ! P ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope this works
I do it something like that. I just make a really long winding path. Try to keep them being hit as long as you can. The more damage you can inflict, the better. Keep it simple, like back and forth.
There was another thread on this made a while ago...it actually makes you invincible if you do it correctly.
You make 2 paths: 1 long, 1 short. The enemies will always take the short path, so they will go down that one. Then, put a peon tower at the end to block it off. They will go all the way back up the route, to go down the long path, as it would be the only path. Then, you can clear the peon tower at the end of the short before the enemies reach 1/2 of the long path to make them go up the short path now, because it would supposedly take them there in a shorter time. If they don't turn, put a peon tower at the end of the long path. Repeat ad infinitum.
That's 46 level 2 peon towers, 2 level 5 peon towers, and 8 level 5 electric floors, due to the electric floors you don't really need to use the double path trick on the later levels except for bosses.