ForumsGame WalkthroughsFox Fyre: The strongest turret setup - lvl 87 and counting

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4 posts

*Don't read this if you don't want to make this game incredibly easy.*

So I've made such an efficient setup I thought I'd share. The game's become a bit boring though since I found it out, since I can't see when this setup will start to fail. I'm at $517 million, level 87. Most fights I barely take any damage, unless I get lazy / try to spice it up. If anyone has their own favorite setups, I'd be interested.

The Setup

(all maxed of course)

Bunker 1--3 Super Thumpers and 2 Power Shields.

Bunker 2--2 Air Supports, 1 Swarm Shot (doesn't matter which goes in this slot that much), 2 EMTs.

Bunker 3--4 Air Supports, 1 Time Delay.

Using this setup

The key to this setup is that it's nearly invincible, with tons of air support to demolish all over the map, and super thumpers to to clean up individual areas quickly/open strong.

Basically, set these three bunkers close together, close enough that bunker 1's power shield can cover all of them. Put the bunkers in such a spot that the thumpers are on a slope tilted towards a good number of enemy bunkers. This allows for thumpers to take out a large amount quickly. The angle's important since it allows easy aiming--when your arcing up high with your shots the angle's way too sensitive. A straight aim and you have more room for error / quick unloading.

So start with 2 spam salvos with the thumpers--this is likely to take out a couple towers. It's mostly just passing time though for the real action.

During this time the towers have been warming up their weapons. Now that they're likely to start firing on you, set first one EMT, then another, keeping the sky clear until you get your power shield's ready.

From here, keep the power shields up fulltime, using EMTs whenever there's a gap. This makes your towers basically invulnerable.

The rest is just up to style. The time delay should give you plenty of breathing room. The main action comes from the air strikes though. These constant barrages should quickly level much of the map while you keep yourself invulnerable. Obviously, don't use them when you see an nemy EMT go off. Just wait for the EMT to clear and spam.

Any towers not leveled by the air strikes should be taken out with the thumpers, or use the swarm shot for hard angles. Even if your base gets tilted such that the thumpers don't have a good aim, the air strikes should punish all the enemy bunkers eventually. Voila, easy win.

Progressing to this setup

The early levels my main focus is on using thumpers. Start with one tower with at least 3 thumpers, upgrading them equally. Position the thumpers as described above to quickly level the enemy.

Then create a bunker with another set of thumpers, or a couple thumpers and a spread shot. Basically, this is so you can have an easy aim on another area. The towers will be spread out at this point.

Eventually, upgrade some air support to do cleanup. I don't exactly remember how I got to this setup :P but it wasn't too hard.

Anyways, hope this was informative. Take care.

  • 15 Replies
5,579 posts

Cool, I'll give it a try.

4 posts

Oh, also, in case one of your towers goes down: (not likely but it can happen)

If your power shield tower goes down just use EMTs sparingly--wait until things are about to hit you. You can almost get constant invulnerability if you time it right. Just spam the air strikes and use the swarm shot for cleanup.

If the EMT goes down, you can still have constant invulnerability, though you have to hit the button over and over again until it's just barely ready.

If both the EMT and the power shield go down you're in a tight spot, but the 4 sets of air strikes is still very strong. Any of the other bunkers are pretty self-sustaining and may be able to eke out a win.

309 posts

I'll test it out right now

309 posts

Alright I can say this build is excellent.
I still haven't got the hang of it so i lose one or two towers eventually, but it's basically spam super thumps till you get a power shield, use it and alternate powershield-airstrike-emt-powershield-airstrikes till the enemy is down. Swarm shot is just for a few occasions and time delay should be used whenever you select the third bunker.

557 posts

I gotta try this! (it sounds fun) =J

1,523 posts

Nice uh, guide. I'll use it. My record is lvl. 3

2,124 posts

I love Fox Fyre, I found it kind of difficult after the first 10 or so levels, but your guide helped thanks!

Fox Fyre...Fyre Fox!!

309 posts

Fox Fyre...Fyre Fox!!

I actually thought you were the maker of the game until I checked :P
1,353 posts

WOW someone needs a girl friend ...
Nice setup , i'll have to try it.

4 posts

Glad people enjoyed the guide. Anyone have a favorite bunker setup of their own?

Using the base of 2 power shields, 2 EMT, and adding an extra time delay (to give unlimited time) you can do pretty much any setup, since this is so strong defensively. I did an all nukes setup just for fun--the only problem with using "aimed" weapons is if your enemy fills you so that you can't aim right. Nukes solve this somewhat because they level the land.

I tried working up to this setup again from lvl 1 (erased my lvl 103 data since it didn't look like I'd ever be able to lose--pretty much all free space is filled by enemies at this point), had the basic skeleton by lvl 20. (maxed thumpers *3, shield*2--air strike*2, thumper*1, EMT*2--Air strike*4, time delay). Progression went: max 3 thumpers, max 2 power shields. Then add another tower with 3 thumpers and then an EMT. This bunker is used to get a straight shot like described in the original post. Since it's weak defensively, put it next to the least amount of enemies that can't be easily reached by the main bunker. Use the weak tower to rush down the towers before it dies. Then use the main tower to knock out the rest (making sure to keep shield up while using the 2nd tower).

After this get a new bunker and start buying out air supports and maxing them as you go. Get the time delay whenever you start having real time problems. After this you should have a strong setup by 20.

309 posts

Very good tips man, you're a pro at the game I linked to your guide in my review of fox fyre so it would get a few more hits, dunno if it'll work.

309 posts

Ok I made some mods to your setup if anyone wants to try it out, here's what I did:

Bunker 1:
2 Super Thumpers
1 Airstrike
2 EMTs

Bunker 2:
3 Airstrikes
2 EMTs

Bunker 3:
4 Airstrikes
1 Time Delay

I replaced the powershields with EMTs because I found they're more effective, and by having 2 on each of the first two bunkers, it's pretty easy to use. I get faster finishes with my setup, feel fry to try it out and modify it, I'll see if some EMTs or the super thumpers can be spared for even more airstrikes.

20,591 posts

Super Thumper takes a long time to recharge. I don't like it.

309 posts

You don't have to use it with this my setup, it's just for clearing out leftover enemies and openings. Airstrikes to most of the damage.

1 posts

I use 1 tower 3 power shields and 2 nukes. I haven't lost since i got this together.

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