its a proven fact...well at least i think it is.. anyway its happening and unless we find an alternate power source besides fossil fuels were pretty much sc.rewed in the long run.
No it's not happening. It's the slight increase in temperature before the large drop in temperature. The 'Silence before the Storm' if you will. It's happened literally hundreds of times in the past and is going to happen again. It has nothing to do with fossil fuel emissions. Like I've said in previous posts on the subject, Mt. Saint Helens releast more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when she blew her top than 10 industrial revolutions.
[quote][i]its a proven fact...well at least i think it is..
[/b]No its not. They think just cause they have footage of Ice breaking and falling into the ocean that they have proof. OF course the Ice is going to break sometimes, but that doesn't mean its global warming
There is no such thing as global warming, since the planet was created Volcanoes have actually been spitting more Co2 into the atmosphere on a yearly basis than humans are even able to create today. We literally only contribute 3-5% of all carbon to the environment, most of it is there naturally. The polar ice caps are growing not shrinking, and all signs point towards us actually ending up in a relatively cooler period on Earth, almost a mini ice age by 2030. This isn't anything that man has done it is just the time line that the planet naturally stays on, throughout history if you look at geological studies, there have been periods of heat and cold, heat and cold. This new global warming crap is just a way to create more taxes for no reason.
There is no such thing as global warming, since the planet was created Volcanoes have actually been spitting more Co2 into the atmosphere on a yearly basis than humans are even able to create today. We literally only contribute 3-5% of all carbon to the environment, most of it is there naturally. The polar ice caps are growing not shrinking, and all signs point towards us actually ending up in a relatively cooler period on Earth, almost a mini ice age by 2030. This isn't anything that man has done it is just the time line that the planet naturally stays on, throughout history if you look at geological studies, there have been periods of heat and cold, heat and cold. This new global warming crap is just a way to create more taxes for no reason.
Exactly what I was saying. Now please people, use the link to the official one Pixie provided.
Humans have contributed to things like the hole in the ozone layer, but we are not the sole cause of it. The polar ice caps on Mars are melting too. So? The Sun is in a higher energy cycle right now. Humans most likely caused, or at least contributed to, the non-temperature aspects of climate change and pollution, but the actual warming of the Earth is mostly due to the Sun itself, not us.
As Pixie said before, another thread has already been launched HERE. Direct all further posts there. Oh, and of course try to read the thread before you do post
The Earth is just going through natural climate change, that's all. CO2 is natural, we breathe it out actually, then plants take it and turn it into oxygen. So, the equation should be, more CO2=more oxygen. Yes, the ice caps may be melting, but did we really expect them to be there forever? The Earth is constantly changing and our belief that we're causing all of it is just part of our narssasitic (probably misspelt) ideas of our own power. We're probably not helping much, but if you're that worried about CO2 go and plant some trees. I've also heard talk about it actually being the opposite to global warming, as in global cooling, and lately it's been more refered to as global climate change, which is a natural thing.
@texan: Actually, the ice caps ARE supposed to be there forever. They were there for the last few climate changes. The amount of climate change is unnatural at this point, and the hole in the ozone layer is NOT natural. Humans have interfered too much. It is not entirely us, but we have made an impact. You don't seem to get the issue here. It isn't that the climate is changing, but that the caliber and speed at which it is changing is deleterious to everything.
it's real but it uman's foul people CAN fix it but they don't want to well you see .. earth iw warm becouse sun light warms it and night is noob small winter becouse clouds don't let all the light leave the atmosfire as factorys working and providing us oil that buroning and makes more clouds they clouds don't let more light to leave the planet wich makes it warmer people just need to replace fuel with electricity or somthing and the problem is solved but they do not care they care only about money they make selling the "black gold"