Who are your favourite politicians and why? Give at least two sentences and not just 'I like Bush coz he screwed Iraq' or that kind of stuff. I won't mention mine, people will just kill me.
Why would people kill you was it like a terrorist? And I'm not into politics so I might say McCain cause he fought in the Vietnam for our country and was a good man.
Boris Yeltsin - Total drunkard. Had a 5% approval rating when he stepped down. It doesn't get any better.
Ron Paul - As Republicans drool at the thought of imperialism and corporate welfare, he stands against it.
George Washington - Let Hamilton run the Presidency. Technically that means he did nothing. Which also means he is the only president who didn't mess anything up.
All those who resist US imperialism except Kim Jong-il and Mugabe. This includes Hugo Chavez, Nasser, Castro, Morales, Ortega, etc. Granted, I'm not a huge fan of Socialism, I appreciate any leader who can stare the US in the eyes and flip them the middle finger.
My favourite politician is by far Boris Johnson. He is brilliant in everything he does. lol. As he always says he is a buffoon. Churchill is also a very good figure sure some of his speeches may have been written by the guy who did winnie the pooh but all the same he did pretty well.
It would be Vince Cable of the Lib Dems. He is the only man I trust in British politics, and if he becomes the next leader there's a chance he could turn the party around,, who right now I wouldn't trust running a sweet shop.
As for my favourite politician ever, it'd have to be Lloyd George. His Liberal Reforms of the early 20th century did the most for the poor in this country than any others have done since.
Grrrrrrrrr. . .you guys already said most of the politicians I would've listed. . . . ----------- Truman. Going from being a hat salesman to president is one of the awesomest leaps ever.
Oh yea, I almost forgot Wilberforce, for pretty much ending slavery in the British Empire single handedly at a time when half the House of Commons was profiting from it. An outstanding political and moral achievement.