"Hey Alt, what are you doing now?" "Reading my story on armorgames. It's called the Neverending Story." "How could it never end if it only ends up being four lines?" "Read it closely." 0.o
Alt: Unsanity is circular. You can be blatantly unsane, or you can be so not unsane that it makes a full circle and ends up on the high side of the unsanity spectrum. If you're not unsane. either way will make you look insane.
PM: Holy!!!!!! J: HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PM: You idiot!!! you just crushed a car. J: Oh my bad I'm too strong to feel it PM: -_-' Al: I got it!!!! Jeff!!! Lets jump off the empire state building J:AHAAA! Thats great. PM: Wait no no no!!! If Al falls, he can't fly, nor can I, you guys can fall, J: I'll take over In a bit.. so too bad
Alt: Chill, do you not not not not not disdain uncreativity? Chill: No, I guess. Chill: Wait a sec. . .crap. What's my problem? Alt: Should I go alphabetically?
SHE'S SEEING THINGS. "..." ALL SORTS OF THINGS. "..." WHAT ARE YOU SEEING NOW? "I see... a...a.... great purple goblet." ... "Its greatness is blinding with a most astonishing shade of deep royal purple. I cannot see what is in it." FASCINATING "Yes... a giraffe is walking towards the great purple goblet..." A GIRAFFE? "Yes... it too is captivated by the goblet's deep and inscrutable tone..." HMMM. "The giraffe's name is hue." WHAAA "hue." I KNOW, I HEAR- "hue." ... "hue."
Do you want to fight? I mean...all I can get from this is that you want to fight...and I'm a pacifist so...well...I guess if you do want to fight you win. Although, I feel good about myself in turn because I chose not to fight...so everyone wins. :/
Do you want to fight? I mean...all I can get from this is that you want to fight...and I'm a pacifist so...well...I guess if you do want to fight you win. Although, I feel good about myself in turn because I chose not to fight...so everyone wins. :/
SOOO, HOW IS... HUE? "He's fine. He's approching the Great Purple Goblet." I SEE... WHAT DOES HUE LOOK LIKE? "He is covered in orange hexagons. With a backround, a loverly shade of red, that seems to differ in different places. He's really quite handsome." ! OH. IS HE? "Mmmm. Wot? Oh, yes..." WHAT NOW? "He's getting close to the Great Purple Goblet.... Almost! Ther-" *zoomed off ... "... We... We're free!" WE ESCAPED THE DREADED MAGIC OCTOGONAL ROOM? "Yes." IMMPOSSIBLE! HOW...? "hue!" WHAAA...? "hue." WHERE? "Here." *looks around ...? "hue."