GBdemon, Pacifier, Samuele, WELCOME and enjoy> Post for help/tips :-)
Fractal, Good tip
In this game, like many areas of life, It's not when you get there it's IF you get there. Stability over speed any day. How many hours lost because of hang? I'll take lag over hang any day. G/L I'll be looking forward to some posts :-)
Well, had to panic and transfered towers to traps (see pic progression) and back to towers. So this was a 12 hour session and only 13 waves the majority spent with traps (time wise not wave wise), but it was a great session (see pics). Had max 1900 monst all over 2m hp (oops) (see pics0.
NEW: No new towers unless 100K to keep monsts at 0/30 hue. All traps (non-dmg) are less than 20 hue. Longer to finish mana farm (wave 30) but worth it in the long run (traps still 8.6 mana gain, +70%, 6 monsters, 670fs).
Due to lag, time to experiment (survey) Traps v Towers (not really a debate any more but its nice to have some data). Surveyed 5X100K towers vs 5X20K (trp vlu) traps over the same # of frames over app. same concentration of monsters over equal length of track (length of tower range) and the traps did 70 % more dmg.
Learned in hueing if you add blue gem last it "activates" the slow "gene" without altering the other specs except moving the hue closer to the optimal 195. (No rhyme nor reason to this it just does.) Since most of my supergemmed prsmatics have incidental slow gene of 55% for 80-150 seconds no more need for traffic cops.
Hued my angering gems since they're going to be there long enough while the others are under construction. 15K dmg instead of 4K. Another "well duhhh" moment.
NOT so NEW: I've overangered again... see specs below. But discovered couple more short cuts in dmg production (maybe 10% increase). sigh.
SKINNY: wave 74 --- 1t pts, *147 multiplier music Jimi Hendrix, Bach, Linkin Park
Wave 61 - should I panic? Nah.
amazing at the 1600, surprised you got em down that fast. umm.. im thinking about starting a long game. i have multiple ideas to try after reading your guy's progress over the past month. i believe i have a theory on creating an ace gem(1 up from king :P) so if I get a great start, I will surpass Conner 2-fold .
So we shall see what happens.
Unfortunately the decision is based upon my theory on what is at the end of the rainbow, and the time it takes to make this feat. both seem... unappealing to me. I have also looked into lag, and with the help of a computer friend of mine i shall see if i can reduce the lag AND arches from the traps to a bare minimum.
lvl 13 on new acc im making, deciding to do the normal only challenge then ill finaly go ahead and try 228 in 3 weeks when i have my break between 2 sports, or next week is a 3 day weekend basicly
I can understand your hestitancy. Not me though. Fury and tunnel vision coupled with incurable insomnia and a nagging absence of substance abuse spur me on. Soooo... Hmmmmm. Score only then?
I had some thoughts on BC mode too. Could possibly lead to some really outlandish scores... if it works. It's like the damage by traps being 70 % greater. That's not what the numbers say but that's what it winds up. I think the difference is tower splash is not as effective as straight up 1 to 1 on guaranteed 5 monsters.
Which reminds me... Before you start your next big game you might consider the advantages of let's say maybe 4 queens? For example, the ability to upgrade without disabling you whole offense, verstility in changing specs on one while maintaining the others as needed, strategic relocation since everybodies going to be moving at a snails pace for eternity...
If your ACE involves new specs this could allow you to test one against the other heads up (eliminates time/hue/lag variables). Just some of my wayward musings.
But can you win before we colonize mars? Around wave 140 of the game before this one I had 20 traps and was getting 1 frame every 6.2 seconds w/500 monster and about ever 5 seconds w/200.
so your saying 10 traps = extreme lag? then explain how i can win without the lag
normal only may be the hardest thing ive ever done on gemcraft. its insanely hard at the beginning, i bet after the 3rd guardian it gets easy but the first 3 will be hell
yeah, that's about right... Though the gaurdians themselves will be relatively easy, since you already have a solid grasp of mana farming and supergemming duals.
As for 10 traps=extreme lag...what kind of processor are you using, munch? I can easily have 10 prismatics going, plus 10 or so psuedo prismatics going, and it only drops me to .5-1 fps...
I lost (yes lost not restarted) 3 times on normie lvl id #1 not more than a day after I had scored 90b on lvl id #2 w/skills <:-0 before I beat it and realized that I hadn't destroyed the buildings for almost another whole skill level hahaha :/
Its an intel 2 GHz duo something or other. I quit believing in processor speeds when the disclaimers came out w/everything saying max flops/s with this bus condition and this temperature and only in the southern hemisphere w Venus in its second rising in odd number years. It's 3 or 4 years old so I imagine it isn't screaming fast. It seems to lag noticeably after 1 trap and goes on down hill linearly and noticeably for each trap thereafter. If it's different than that for everyone else I'm going to be sorely put out >:-( I mean that's great for you guys but I'm seriously ham strung by this. My goal is to only use traps after wave 194 (hopefully 204 this time) since I can get there without the monsters starting to add up. And sometimes on those... ahem rare occasions that I might over anger :-)
Well I'm off to work, hopefully I get farther tonight.
Munch, i get about 8 traps and it still goes the same speed as it does with no traps xD my processor is only 2 GHz too maybe its just coz ur computer is old
Munch, what you describe is not normal. I suggest you go to Intel website and download their processor id utility and let su know what that says. Also tell us what OS you have and how much memory. I have seen major improvements in performance if memory is boosted.