I think 7t is out. Pts cost too much now and I need to focus on armegedon My arsenal is 6.15m and I've spent slot of time angering. Wave 123 was = lvl 21 gem (had an extra 18 left because hp too high). Gotta focus on finish now. 6t is good enough for a game that my goal was 4t. And my plan is to come back and play for score now that I have notes on the waves. You have the right approach attacking high scoring waves and just fluffing the lower scoring ones. Higher score + lower lag.
At least there's consolation in that you know what caused your game to hang. I hung my browser reading the news (MSNBC, Grrrrrr, plz boycott) over half way through a game and I don't do that anymore.
Re towers + trap... Good, now you'll get your mobility back. Important because not all your 1b hp monsts can be stuck on your king trap at once. Remember the wolf pack from wv 227 that got me.
I super gem a lvl 12 w/ lvl 9. I do 7 trays at a time for a gain of 5k. You,ll understand 7 trays if you try it. I like this because it's only 3 combinations per tray and if you accidently go four combs you wind up w/ lvl 10s which still won't "reverse gem" your super. I do my specs and busing after I get to my desired dmg so I don't have to worry about preserving these during the super gemming.
Connor looks like he super gems a 15 w ?. And he is consistently faster at dmg gain than me so maybe he can speak to this better than me.
My spell checker replaced hueing with busing in the previous post. So do your hueing after you get to desired dmg and leave the busing to the professionals ;-)
i have a habbit of rapidly clicking into a grade 11 for making big agner gems, so if i accidently do that for angering then combine a grade 12 my gems ruined, i keep it grade 15 to keep it away from getting ruined since my normal gems to anger are 13/14, i make my ing 16 just as 1 last precaustion against 14s
playing some runecape now and doing some goals, idk if ill come back, probably will once footballs done so in 2 weeks be looking for 10t
conner, go to "save game" tab on GC0 when youre playing on the account you use(the highest one i s'ose. then, under the 9 blocks, theres a spot with ALOT of coding, copy it(highlight then press CTRL+C) then paste it to an email to yourself(CTRL+V)
just remember when you paste, you remove the first sentence of it(says like copy + paste to save blah blah) it should start with <gcosave> or something.
Then when you go to the new machine go to load game screen and retrieve that text from your e-mail and paste it into the same box in the load game screen and poof there's your old game.
I thought you were playing up to a level to kill time until you started a big game. I'm glad Karsten asked. I thought you knew... sorry
munch, after covering only 10 traps with r/o supergems(i told you that m*********er was a speed game :P) and filling the entire screen with in super-gem'd 14's. i finally died @ wave 210... monsters had too much health. =/
yayforme, from waves 1-180.. I'd have to say 3 1/2 hours total? and after that the other 30 waves took like 2 hours in itself. i only managed to make 1 super gem of awesomeness(like 60K dmg) and it slowly picked off the weaker ones passing by, then i was overrun and so i said F it and popped the GoE :P
munch should destroy 228 i want to see a realy close attmempt where fractal has like 1-2m firepower with 200 monsters left and 50 monster with 1m banishment cost and 4m max mana, a realy close game u know