im always seing threads about diffirent religous wars. the war is pain, the peace is help, help to not just me and you, to people who risk there lifes in iraq afghanistan, and other dangerous places.
i ask armorgames, is war really the right thing to do right now in such terror and fear of the religous beleives and the hurting wars of muslim people and hindu's. what is wrong with the world? are we fighting for the right things, is it really worth it?! people die everyday, and for what?armorgames can make a stand against this madness and we can help the world live in peace!
there shouldnt be wars thatinflict pain, there should be peace to all the world. war is just a punishment to our never ending hunger for revenge, its time to stop!
One of the largest reasons for war is to eliminate a threat. If no one had started to fight back against Hitler in WWII, he would have conquered the world. I agree that war is a bad thing, but it can also make things much, much better. After all, wouldn't you rather not be under Nazi rule right now? Seriously, if no one fights back then it will just get worse, with people thinking that they can do whatever they want. If no one would try to stop you, wouldn't you want to force the world to follow you?
In conclusion, war is an unfortunate necessity. Like taking out the trash, you have to do it eventually before the whole place stinks.
i agree, but the only people who should have stopped long ago was to me hitller! i do agree with what you are saying. i guess you are right, but it is all so helpfull to sighn peace treaties and stuff
War is never right; sometimes though, it's necessary.
It's like.. if you were at a bar - would you start a fight with someone for no reason? No...
But if someone pulled a knife on you with the intention of killing you, you do whatever you can to defend yourself.
Now, the question is with recent wars, is it really in self-defense? A postulate is that one of the things that falls into US foreign policy is that if we're fighting religious fanatics in the middle east, they don't have the opportunity & resources to bring it to US soil. That, however, is purely speculation.
What's wrong with the world? It's poor, people are starving, uneducated, and generally have pretty crappy lives so they come up with excuses to blame things on other people and go to war with them over ideals for the gain of resources & money.
It should not be a surprise that in first world countries we don't have the scope of these problems that exist in the third world. It's not because we have a more evolved sense of morality, or we're just 'better' - we have more stuff. You can easily pop down to a store *anywhere* and get food for not much money, you can turn on your tap and get fresh, clean water that you can drink, and we have luxuries the likes the world has never seen in centuries & millenia past.
Sometimes peace treaties don't work. England tried to work out things with Hitler before he invaded Poland. Some people are just determined.
If no one had started to fight back against Hitler in WWII, he would have conquered the world.
The irony of this argument, with regards to the war in Iraq, is that politicians were contradicting themselves. They claimed Saddam was an extremely dangerous threat, yet also claimed that he must have been destroed as soon as possible while he was weak. He can;t have been both very dangerous and very weak.
Politicians need to eschew easy solutions and accept that war is a nescessary evil. Not everyone can be reasoned with, nor should everyone be reasoned with.
I just want to get this acknowledged... "armor games" can't do anything. And the irony of it is that they promote war games, fighting, killing, etc. with flash games. So thinking that AG is going to offer a proclamation to America and Iraq is wishful thinking.
Anyway, War is looked at as a solution. But logically, it doesn't do much. (In our situation). Of course War isn't the right thing to do; it's a sin is it not? But surrendering or running away in the middle of a skirmish would be humiliating, and disrespectful to America.
Just be thankful we don't have drafting anymore, otherwise our population of our nation would be devastatingly low after 50 years of war.
bringing up hitler he made a country full of reasonable people believe that they needed to kill jews and take over the world how do we know we haven't been brainwashed to believe that wars are justifiable?
âWhen the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.â
ok, i agree that we do have to fight back. i wasnt talking about us, i was talking about all the bad dudes, like osama biladin, im asking people like him to just stop and go n get. i know we have to defend ourselves but, it fell like forever till this war would end! today we dont always need a victory, we need to have peace!
Peace sounds nice, but lets be serious. How can everyone the world over experience peace? No amount of politics or nice words can bring that utopia about. As long as there are people with less wealth than others, there will always be tension. People constantly strive to gain more, its at least partially fueled by the survival instinct. People with better homes and more money live easier lives, who doesn't want that?
To obtain peace you'd have to kill off the urge to better ones own lot in life. I really don't think that is a realistic goal.
LEgend_Beast, if you get attack by another country, and you go to war, beat them down and declare peace...what makes you think they wont rebuild and do it all again? Peace is nice, but war fixes things. Were not gonna fix the war on terror by sitting around signing treaties...we gotta go into their land, show them who the top dawg is, and teach them a lesson.
sometimes i think it would of been better if in the 1800s during the mexican war, they should of destroyed mexico while they were in american mercy...could of stopped a lot of drug trade and illegal immigration