What do you think of Fred and his videos? Discuss here your thoughts about YouTube's #1 most subscribed channel! If you have no idea who I'm talking about, a simple search on YouTube will give you more results than imaginable. Simply go to the channel, for it will be on top.
It isn't bad, he's completely random. Its good for a laugh or two once in a while, but I can't watch too many of his videos in a row before it starts giving me a headache.
It isn't sped up. He is changing the pitch of his voice I believe.
As for Lucas, he's a comedian that can get a few chuckles. When I first heard of him, and saw some of his wacky videos, I fell off my chair laughing. But then the annoying girl voice started ruining all the videos, then I sorta stopped listening.
Well ,im not sure when he passed nigahiga ,but anyways: Yeah like everyone says its good the first couple of vids ,and then it all gets to stupid and boring!
Fred does that because he holds the inhalation from his nose, which cause the sound to reverberate from his nasal cavity rather than his diaphragm/lungs.
Million subscribers! I never saw that much, the highest number that I saw was about 250 000. And he even has his own T-shirts for sale. I agree, after a few videos that voice of his really started to get on my nerves. So annoying.
Fred does that because he holds the inhalation from his nose, which cause the sound to reverberate from his nasal cavity rather than his diaphragm/lungs.
I think he is retarded. How can anyone find him funny. You might as watch static, at least its jokes would be funnier. It amazes me that sophisticated people can find it at all humorous.
"Oh my gawd look at fred in the pool wearing his shirt - hiding his man boobs" "No Im just uncomfortable wi-" "Lets go beat up Fred in the pool" "Noo Go away fatty do you want me to get the cat with Rabies to bite you again!"