those of u who think sonny was bad r idiots but everybody else is epic awesome but what the heck is takin krin sooooooooooooooo long???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
If I remember it correct, then it took 5 years for sonny 2
No, Sonny was out on Armour GAmes in December 2007 and Sonny 2 was on Armour Games December 2008 and was released December 18th. ANyone know the release date on Sonny?
The reason its taking so long it because he is making Sinjid first. If he was making Sonny then it would be complete by now.
Look back at the original posts and laugh at them. They predicted last year. If you want a realistic release date, try 2012. A good game can take years to make, and krin is a big developer. Cut him/her/them some slack.
I think Sonny is great, but for the people who dont like it.. dont say you dont want Sonny 3 to come, people who do like it would be disappointed, and if you dont like it.. It's probably that you can't think of good strategies and suck at Sonny (A)
I'm assuming that Sonny 3 will take a long time, just like it took Sonny 2 a while. And I doubt Krin will be working on it soon; us fans will just have to be patient. And as for the people who think Sonny 2 was bad, I really don't agree with you. I think it improved a lot of things from the first, like adding class-specific talent trees instead of letting any average Fighter start casting Energy Bolt.
[b][i]First to all those you did not like sonny1 and 2 or any of them.Sonny 1 was actually the first one of its kind made by obviously it is not so advanced..but as i far remember..i had a great time playing it....Sonny 2 has lot of upgraded features.. and the storyline is more i don't see why there is a problem with it..because it is perfectly awesome! they are both such games that how much ever times you play enjoy it....and about when sonny 3 will is tough to say.....but maybe..just maybe 2011 or at the end of 2010. but i do wish it comes soon.