Ok, I hate what has happened here. Perez Hilton asked Ms. California on her views of homosexualty and she gave a good and correct in my opinion, which was marriage is between a man and a women. Perez Hilton is a homosexual of course and was pissed about this and handeled it in an immature way. He called her a dumb B on live television, and of course Perez isin't getting attacked about this, but Mrs. California is and shes being called Homophobic. This just disgusts me, what do you think??
I laughed when I saw it, she obviously forgot its a competition your nearly always supposed to give the 'olitically correct' answer and most of the time its just BS. I don't care about this issue because it is purely freedom of speech and it's her opinion.
Just because someone asks another person for their opinion does not mean they have to be amiable with it.
If that was the case there would be no exchange of ideas if everyone agreed.
And in his case, if someone is so empty headed to say something like that still in this day and age(especiialy with no good reasoning)...they deserve to be berated and yelled at.
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Anyway, I think Perez should apologize. Ms. California only shared her honest opinion about life, and in a nice respectful fashion. Everyone has their opinions. Perez had the right to be angry, but it went to far when she began calling Ms. California profane words.
Just because somebody doesn't share your view on marriage, it doesn't mean that they are a bad person.
If you can't take it don't start it. He asked her and she answered him. Then he completely went about it the wrong way. Perez shouldn't have asked that if he couldn't take the answere.
i don't agree with miss california but everyone is entitled to his/her opinion attacking someone for it is uncalled for and makes your opinion look stupid
It's a private pageant, thus the judges can vote for who ever they want. If they want to base beauty off of political views, that's fine with me. I personally find intolerance unattractive.
She was put in a terrible position she was screwed no matter how she answered the question. If she said it was okay then the conservatives would be flipping out, but if she went against it then all the homosexuals would be angry.
And for those of you saying she should have given the pollitically correct answer to win the pagent. No, I think she should win for having the guts to speak her mind, expecially in front of a homosexual. But I must Ms. California is one fiiiiiiine women!
Ms. California should have won. The questions don't have a right or wrong answear they are mainly opinion questions. She lost because she was raised the right way.
The questions don't have a right or wrong answear they are mainly opinion questions.
They ask the questions to see how well they can handle a question they dont know the answer too, basically to see if they can look like they know what they are saying, she didnt do that too well.