Today in my Biology class we were discussing the two sides of the brain and what they control. The discussion eventually wandered to the 1940's when a doctor, to try to contain seizure to one side of the brain, basically cut the nerves connecting the two sides. It proved successful but twenty years later a scientist named Roger Sperry studiet the "split brain" patients and observed strange behavior from the patience who received this treatment. When they held an object in their left hand they were able to name the object, but were not able to describe it. Alternatively, when they held the same object in their right hand they were able to describe the object, but not name it. He also found that they could write with their right hands, but not with their left. And they could draw with their right, but not with their left.
What do you guys think about it? I think that it's very interesting. And even though it's morbid, this could become a way to control people. If another Hitler came along, it wouldn't be a bad idea to cut the sides of the brain apart and then amputate one of the person's arms so that they would be incapable of doing something related to that arm.
LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend knowing acknowledges order/pattern perception knows object name reality based forms strategies practical safe RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images present and future philosophy & religion can "get it" (i.e. meaning) believes appreciates spatial perception knows object function fantasy based presents possibilities impetuous risk taking