What is your favorite comedy movie?
Yea Kung Fu Hustle must be cool I like the name of it.
Is that a movie?????I like the simpsons movie.
my favorite is deff billy maddison or happy gilmore. i love nething w adam sandler in it.
I like Hot Rod, it got bad reviews, but it was how bad it was that made it funny
Hot Rod was a really funny movie
if dosen't make you laugh, it's not a comedy.
Right you are Gorks4
Yeah, the simpsons movie was pretty awesome
Superbad is the best comedy movie i've watched so far. The simpsons movie was pretty funny too.
I think that the moving Bender's Big Score was logical, but HILARIOUS. It was funny i a sophisticated kind of way...
Id have to say Balls of Fury
I like McLovinn, and when he gets punched trying to buy some liquor
The best comedy movie ever is......GRANDMA'S BOYhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=gBtk0JAiBxY&feature=relatedhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=48CVDXrNJPI&feature=relatedhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=Rn6_zkoXAZY&feature=related
tenacious d pick of destiny i love that movie
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