ForumsPopular MediaNudity vs. Violence

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223 posts

More and more movies are coming out as Unrated for disturbing violence and graphic nudity. Which do you think should be higher rated. I think Nidity is too much of a large taboo. They should less up on the ratings for not too sexual nudity. In Urope, nudity is accepted as life, why not here.

  • 7 Replies
1,310 posts

Relgious lobby groups.

I don't quite understand why they're not so harsh on violence too though.

It's not so much 'unrated' because it contains questionable content. What happens is they air the movie in theaters & the board reviews the movie, and gives it a rated like PG-13 or whatever. Then, when they bring it to DVD, the cut of the movie is changed to incorporate scenes that were not in the theatrical release of the movie. The board doesn't re-review the DVD copy with the 'unrated' scenes, and it gets the 'unrated' edition title. It doesn't actually mean that there's necessarily any nudity or violence in any of those added scenes.

Personally I'd be inclined to think violent content would receive a higher rating then nudity. I mean.. they're just boobs, butts, penises, and vaginas. Everyone has one of them. Pretty much everyone has seen what they look like. Get over it.

223 posts

i totaly agree with you HiddenDistance, but i have seen so many horror movies at the vid store. When i look at the back it is almost only red with guys holding chainsaws and power drills. I havn't seen one of those, but i asume they desirve unrated. Has anyone seen one of these blood films and can compare it to a sex one?

1,310 posts

I've seen a lot of R rated horror flicks. They're really cheesy & lame for the most part, but they can be kind of funny. Serious horror films require more.. anticipation & less up front gore. It's all about leaving the majority of the terror up to your own imagination. 'Alien' was really good for that. You barely saw the monster in question, and most of the movie was about tension.

There is sort of a new genre on the market with Saw & Hostel - it's almost just like.. gore pornography. The plots are usually pretty tenuous; the whole point is to get people on screen being butchered in various inventive ways to make the audience cringe or something.

I've seen films with nudity in them. It's not a big deal. Some people seem to think that teenagers or children seeing a woman's breasts will scar them for life or something..

I've seen skin flicks too. Those, I would definitely say are not for kids.

223 posts

Gore pornagraphy is a perfect nema for those kinds of movies, i saw part of saw and was not at all pleased. I like lots of horrors like the shining, those are good. I admitidly do like skinn flicks as well but aren't for yonger kids

5,838 posts

"in Urope"? Yep thats what we do lol

I hate it when you see a trailer for a film and its says something really random like "contains..." just because they might get sued by some twat. I think the effects on these things on children etc. are inconclusive so it should be up to the person to decide if they can handle it not some old guys sat round a desk.

147 posts

what films have u been watching where there is graphic nudity and please recommend them XD jus kiddin oh and neither should be high rated kids should learn from an early age

634 posts

not to much nudity and not to much violence and its perfect

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