I will be having a contest. I will judge it every Saturday if I can. Make your cards, click on the card when it's done and post the url under the card here (between )!
Deadline will be Saturday the 2nd of May.
Now go create your cards!
This time you can only post: 4 Leveled Dark cards.
Can we make more then one card, and then just have you choose the best? And also, if we make a fusion monster, do we have to submit the monsters required for the fusion summon?
Can someone post my skull? http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/ycmaker/createcard.php?name=Water%20Skull&cardtype=Monster&subtype=effect&attribute=Water&level=7&magictraptype=None&rarity=Ultimate%20Rare&icture=http://media.bigoo.ws/content/halloween/gif_skulls/halloween_skulls_166.jpg&set1=&set2=&inset=false&type=Fiend&description=Once%20a%20duel%2C%20you%20may%20tribute%20this%20card%20to%20bring%20back%20one%20water%20monster%20from%20the%20graveyard.&circulation=&atk=2500&def=2500&creator=&year=2009&serial=73712252
1) Save the picture of your created yugioh card to your documents. 2) Create an account on Photobucket 3) Upload the image to photobucket 4) Copy/paste the Fourm URL that photobucket gives you, and click on 'image' when you are trying to bring the pivture to AG. 5) Paste the URL into the little box that pops up, but get rid of the {IMG} and [/IMG] at the end of the url. 6) then click ok, and submit your post to AG.