Forums → Game Walkthroughs → bubbletank walktrough and tankguide (the best until now)
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I have made a new walktrough out of the info from 2 walktroughs:
Up: W
Down: S
Left: A
Right: D
Main fire: hold mouse
secondary fire: space
Pause: P
(you can change the movement keys, you can not change main fire)
you have to shoot enemies and gather the bubbles that come out of them when they die. when you have enough bubbles you can evolve.
when you reached the 6th evolution and some extra bubbles the boss come! when you defeat the boss you win the game, but you can still play further.
there is also a arena mod you can choose enemies and yourself and destroy the enemies. (you can not use the boss in the arena mod)
Tank guide:
Starting from the basic tank or higher evolution, you can upgrade to any tank below or diagonal your tank's square. so when you are fighter 2 you can still change to super heavy.
secondary weapons, there 15 kinds of secondary weapons:
none: no secondary weapon
1 second shield: for a sec there will be a shield that stops all enemy bullets
mine tank: let 1 mine, when a enemy touch the mine, than the mine will do much damage
teleport: when you teleport you will disappear and appear where your mouse is
seeker tank: a tank that launches 1 seeker that will seek out enemies and do some damage.
stun burst: you launch a explosion that will stun all close enemies for a few seconds.
damage burst: you launch a explosion that will damage all nearby enemies
sticky cannon: you will launch a big bullet that and when the bullet touches a enemy it will stun him for a few seconds
big gun: you will launch a big bullet
stick area: you will launch a circle of sticky bullets that will
stun the touted enemies for a few seconds.
dissemble: you will separate all your bubbles and you can be shoot (and you can not shoot)
seeker shield: all enemies that close will be hit by a automatic seeker
virus: you will launch a virus that will destroy a enemy slowly and when it is dead your virus will double.
seeker explosion: all enemy seeker will attack your enemies
mega gun: a really really big gun!
armada: you will launch 6 fighters that will attack automatically
There are 26 different tanks you can use during the game. and there are 48 kind of enemies.
Basic Tank (1st)(start)
Primary Weapon: 1 main gun
Secondary Weapon: None
size: pretty small
speed: middle
Fighter 1 (2nd)
Primary Weapon: 1 Machine Gun
Secondary Weapon: None
size: normal
speed: fast
Balanced 1 (2nd)
Primary Weapon: 1 2in1 right machine gun.
Secondary Weapon: None
size: normal
speed: middle
Heavy 1 (2nd)
Primary Weapon: 1 big main gun
Secondary Weapon: None
size: normal
speed: normal
Fighter 2 (3th)
Primary Weapon: 1 3in1 spread machine gun
Secondary Weapon: 1 second shield
size: normal
speed: fast
Balanced Fighter 1 (3th)
Primary Weapon: 1 3in1 right machine gun
Secondary Weapon: 1 second shield
size: normal
speed: middle
Balanced Heavy 1 (3th)
Primary Weapon: 1 3in1 right machine gun
Secondary Weapon: mine tank
size: normal
speed: normal
Heavy 2 (3th)
Primary Weapon: 1 5in1 right machine gun
Secondary Weapon: Mine tank
size: big
speed: normal
Sniper 1 (4th)
Primary Weapon: 1 strong main gun
Secondary Weapon: teleport
size: normal
speed: fast
Fighter 3 (4th)
Primary Weapon: 1 faster machine gun
Secondary Weapon: 2 seeker tanks
size: middle
speed: fast
Balanced Fighter 2 (4th)
Primary Weapon: 1 5in1 spread machine gun
Secondary Weapon: stun burst
size: middle
speed: fast
Balanced Heavy 2 (4th)
Primary Weapon: 1 5in1 spread machine gun
Secondary Weapon: damage burst
size: big
speed: normal
Heavy 3 (4th)
Primary Weapon: 2 big main guns
Secondary Weapon: sticky cannon
size: pretty big
speed: slow
BFT 1 (4th)
Primary Weapon: 1 big main gun
Secondary Weapon: 4 seeker tanks
extra: 2 slow machine guns will fire automatic on enemies
size: big
speed: slow
Sniper 2 (5th)
Primary Weapon: 1 strong main gun that will penetrate more enemies
Secondary Weapon: teleport
size: normal
speed: middle
Fighter 4 (5th)
Primary Weapon: 1 2in1 right super fast machine gun
Secondary Weapon: 1 big gun
size: normal
speed: fast
Balanced Fighter (5th)
Primary Weapon: 1 big main gun and 2 slow machine guns
Secondary Weapon: 3 seeker tanks
size: big
speed: middle
Balanced Heavy 3 (5th)
Primary Weapon: 2 big main guns
Secondary Weapon: big gun
size: big
speed: slow
Heavy #4 (5th)
Primary Weapon: 2 big main guns
Secondary Weapon: sticky area
extra: 2 automatic slow machine gun that will fire on enemies
size: big
speed: slow
BFT #2 (5th)
Primary Weapon: 2 big main guns
Secondary Weapon: stun burst
extra: 3 automatic slow machine guns that will fire on enemies
size: big
speed: slow
Ghost Sniper (6th)(last)
Primary Weapon: 1 strong, explosive and main gun that will penetrate more enemies
Secondary Weapon: dissemble
size: pretty small
speed: fast
Super Fighter (6th)(last)
Primary Weapon: 1 3in1 right fast machine gun
Secondary Weapon: seeker shield
size: normal
speed: fast
Leecher Tank (6th)(last)
Primary weapon: 1 strong slow machine gun
Secondary Weapon: virus
size: normal
speed: middle
Drone Tank (6th)(last)
Primary Weapon: a seeker that double a few times and than attack
Secondary Weapon: drone explosion
size: middle
speed: normal
Super Heavy (6th)(last)
Primary Weapon: 2 big guns and 1 bubble gun (that will stop enemy bullets)
Secondary Weapon: mega cannon
size: very very very big
speed: very slow
BFT Carrier (6th)(last)
Primary Weapon: 1 big cannon and 1 bubble cannon (that will stop enemy bullets
Secondary Weapon: armada
size: very very big
speed: very slow
here are all 6th man in the real shape:
(super heavy)
(BFT carrier)
(drone tank)
(ghost sniper)
(leecher tank)
(super fighter)
(no speed info)
1: tiny guy
weapons: none
size: very very small
2: little guy
weapons: none
size: very small
3: dead head 3
weapons: none
size: small
4: dead head 4
weapons: none
size: very small
5: bubble ball
weapons: around 20 little guy's
size: big
6: life carrier
weapons: none
size: big
7: B fighter
weapons: manual gun
size: normal
8: L fighter
weapons: manual gun
size: normal
9: S fighter
weapons: manual gun
size: normal
10: swarm fighter
weapons: manual gun
size: pretty small
11: wing fighter
weapons: manual gun
size: middle
12: twin
weapons: 2 manual guns and 2 special fighters
size: pretty big
13: heavy fighter
weapons: machine gun
size: normal
14: orbital seeker fighter
weapons: 3 in 1 spread manual gun and a seeker shield
size: normal
15: bubble bomber
weapons: 2 machine guns and 1 big gun
size: pretty big
16: big gun
weapons: 1 big gun
size: big
17: beatle tank
weapons: 1 machine gun and 1 manual gun
size: big
18: tank killer
weapons: 3 in 1 machine gun and 1 machine gun
size: big
19: horned tanker
weapons: 2 machine guns
size: big
20: big beatle
weapons: 1 machine gun and 1 machine gun
size: very big
21: basic sticky gun tank
weapons: 1 sticky gun
size: big
22: sticky/machine gun
weapons: 1 machine gun and 1 sticky gun
size: normal
23: mine layer 1
weapons: 1 mine layer
size: middle
24: mine layer 2
weapons: 1 mine layer and a machine gun
size: normal
25: mine layer 3
weapons: 6 mine layers
size: very big
26: mine wall maker
weapons: 5 mine layers in a row
size: normal
27: heavy heavy heavy 1
weapons: 4 in 1 spread machine gun
size: middle
28: heavy heavy heavy 2
weapons: 3 in 1 machine gun and 1 10 in 1 rotating machine gun
size: pretty big
29: heavy heavy heavy 3 (sorry i don't now these, i don't have him)
weapons: (unknown)
size: (unknown)
30: heavy heavy heavy 4
weapons: a big gun, 2 5 in 1 machine guns and 3 mine layers
size: very very big
31: heavy killer
weapons: 2 3 in 1 spread machine guns, 1 machine gun and a rotating machine gun
size: very big
32: seeker tank
weapons: 1 seeker tank
size: normal
33: leecher drone carrier 1
weapons: seeker tank for seeker with laser
size: middle
34: sapper fighter (sorry, i don't have these)
weapons: (unknown)
size: (unknown)
35: sapper w/machine gun
weapons: 2 mine layers and 1 machine gun
size: middle
36: seeker carrier
weapons: 1 seeker bubble (when you shoot the bubble it will exploded and let some seeker free)
size: middle
37: leecher guardian
weapons: 1 machine gun and 1 seeker
size: normal
38: spawn tank
weapons: 1 spawn tank that gives some fighters
size: normal
39: death field tank
weapons: 1 manual gun and when you touch him you will get herd.
size: normal
40: mini death field
weapons: when you touch him you will get herd.
size: very very small
41: 360 pulse
weapons: 10 in 1 rotating gun
size: normal
42: 360 spiral gun
weapons: 1 rotating gun
size: normal
43: rotating machine gun
weapons: 1 rotating big gun
size: very big
44: chromatic confusion
weapons: none
size: pretty big
45: tri-gaurdian
weapons: 6 seeker tanks, 1 seeker bubble and 1 rotating seeker armor
size: very big
46: BFT
weapons: 1 big gun, 1 spawn tank, 2 machine guns and 2 seeker tanks
size: very very big
47: spawn carrier
weapons: 1 spawn tank, 2 3 in 1 spread machine gun and 5 seeker bubbles
size: very very very very very big
48: destroyer
weapons: 2 5 in 1 spread machine guns, 1 rotating big gun, a spawn tank and 2 seeker tanks.
size: very very very very big
weapons: The tail produces fighters that will attack you, the 2 claws will fire 3 shots at you (each), and the head will fire bursts of large cannon bubbles at you or a sticky bubble. To defeat the boss, you must destroy the head, claws, and tail. You will always reach the boss soon after reaching a 6th generation tank.
size: much to big! bigger than 1 hole bubble
speed: no
(left claw)
(right claw)
coming soon: