ForumsGame Walkthroughsboxhead more rooms tips

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ive played boxhead more rooms many times heres what ive found that helps alot

1 start on expert or intermidiate
reason-you have better weapons to start and they spawn faster making for very good combo conditions.
2 use the tight map always
reason-its easy to stop them from ganging up on you and less sides for them to attack from.
3 get rid of one side on tight map
how-all you have to do is place barrels were theyere coming from
example- ok heres a map kinda
..........they come from here
.....barrels go in between the gaps

reason for barrels not fake wals-they explode when the devil shoots his flames and kill him and a whole lot of the zombies
4 use uzi until you have shotgun rapid fire
reason-rapid fire shotgun shoots with a wide range uzi is a strait shot

hope this helps

  • 17 Replies
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11 posts

in box head u will always need ammo and in the new one go to the first level place before that put it on the hardest then when u start u will have all the guns and u will be in a big square of barrecks will cannons and machine guns so when they come out they kill them u get all the ammo and then use more barracks to surrond the area and keep doing that and u will get a lot od points i got 2680000000points around there and it is a lot of fun if u have any question comment me am always on!!!

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