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You could choose from up to 5 machines (Well some aren't really machines) and each has many upgrades. The goal is to kill other players. So as you know, this is Pvp (1 on 1). Ok, so the stadium is just like a gladiator stadium. You could do many stuffs. So here are the 5 machines:

Big Driller:A machine with a pointy bumper that spins like a driller. But it doesn't have wheels, actually its like a tank but more armored.

Mini Tank:A small tank with high damage, but low speed and armor. It could shoot many types of stuffs but you have to upgrade it.

Excavator:A construction truck. Not so armored but its big and the upgrades are awesome. Its slow and its damage is slow but sometimes extremely dangerous (Only if it grabs a machine). But it has a hook for the beginning. So actually, its not that good for the beginning.

Tractor Unit:A machine with the strongest and deadliest bumper ever. Its also big and it has a unstoppable bumper. The upgrades aren't so special, its speed is normal and its damage, its only dangerous by the BUMPER!

Wraith:Wow, the machine from the Halo series is HERE! But, its for the covenant. It shoots some plasma bombs in the air or straight. Like a catapult. It has mini nitrous. Armored like crazy, slow but extreme damage. The upgrades are extremely good too! The huge problem is that if you hit the turret, it can't fire anything anymore. Also, if you hit the back of it, it gets destroyed simply.

Now, here are the upgrades. Each has 7 upgrades. To upgrade, it will say how many wins you need to upgrade. Most are from 2-10.


Big driller:

Speed:Better Speed Cost 2 Wins
Damage:Better Damage.Cost 3 Wins
Armor:Better Armor. Cost 4 Wins

Chainsaw:Instead of having a driller, its a big chainsaw.Cost 5 wins.
Moving Chainsaw:Most have Chainsaw. Makes the chainsaw move right to left. Cost 7 Wins.
Huge Driller:You become even bigger. Cost 8 wins.
Duel Weapon:You get a driller or chainsaw by the front and back! Cost 10 wins

Mini Tank:

Axe Weapon:You have a axe just hitting stuffs behind you. Cost 3 Wins.
Auto Machine Gun Turret:You have a automatic machine gun turret in front of the tank. Cost 5 Wins
Auto Flamethrower Turret:You have a flamethrower under the tank that could spin 360 degrees. Cost 6 Wins
Damage,Speed and Armor:Faster, Stronger , Better ARMOR! Cost 7 wins.
Auto Missiles:When your tank shoots, it shoots missiles too. Cost 8 Wins.
Auto Laser Turret:Its a turret on the complete top of your mini tank. The laser is deadly. Cost 10 Wins.
Big Tank:More Armor. Well ALLOT MORE ARMOR! Cost 10 Wins.


Grapple:Instead of a hook, it grabs things but this is like a metal and strong large hand. Also pointy. Cost 2 Wins.
Ball:Instead of a hook. Its now a ball. Be careful, you might it yourself with the ball and its mega deadly! Cost 3 Wins.
Bucket:When you charge with this, it pushes and makes the other machine roll like crazy. Cost 4 Wins.
Extensions:To have a longer range with your weapons. Like having longer arms to punch. Cost 5 Wins.
Stump Harvesters:A crazy but small driller. You could attach it to the top of your excavator. If you have upgraded the extensions, it could aim 15 meters far and then break down any machine. Cost 5 Wins.
Pulverizer:You don't wanna mess with this. It could grab your machine with types of claws. It won't let it drop but it could in a bad way! While something is getting grabbed, it could be squished easily! Cost 9 Wins.
Not Yellow, GOLD ARMOR: Oulala! Gold and invincible armor. How do you destroy. Umm, i guess its only by the window! Cost 10 Wins.

Tractor Unit:

Steel Bumper:Now your bumper is even more invincible. Cost 4 Wins.
Spikes:In your bumper, they have spikes. Cost 5 Wins.
Trampoline:Your bumper has a trampoline to reflect attacks. Any attack but now the damage of charging with your bumper is weaker. Cost 5 Wins.
No Trunk:Now, your vehicle is just you and your bumper. No stuffs in the back. So you could dodge stuffs easily and your faster too. Cost 7 Wins.
Plasma Shield:In your bumper, they have a plasma shield. If electricity comes to it, the thing that touched it gets destroyed unless its you, it won't. Cost 8 Wins.
Wide Wheel of Spikes:Your bumper holds a wide wheel of metal and steel spikes. It doesn't spin too fast but still, its super strong and it could squish anything. Cost 9 Wins.
Auto Laser Turret:Finally, something for long range. A auto laser turret on top of the truck. Cost 10 Wins.


Fire Behind:When your driving, they have few fire getting out of the wraith and it might damage the people behind you. Cost 2 Wins.
Back Steel Plate:Its a steel plate to protect the back of your wraith. So instead of having your wraith destroyed, it won't. Cost 3 Wins.
Brute Shot:A brute is on the secondary turret with a brute shot. but if it dies, to have another one, you need to wait for the next match but don't worry, its a Brute Captain. Cost 4 Wins
Auto Plasma Turret:Instead of having someone in the turret like in most halo games, its just automatic. Cost 5 Wins.
Super Nitrous:You could use your nitrous whenever you want. That means you have infinite nitrous but there all weak as last time. Cost 7 Wins.
Invisibility:I'm wondering how could this camouflage. Actually, its invisibility! Your only aloud to use this few times in a match.Cost 8 Wins.
Flying Skills:You will now be able to fly! Cost 10 Wins

To join(Every time if your a member of this game and you comment, put your latest sheet) , this is your sheet:

Name: (Your armorgames name)
Wins: (How many wins do you have)
Wins Since the Beginning : (Just calculate how much wins you used and how much wins you have right now)
Loses: (How many times you lost versus a opponent)
MachineYour machine. Excavator, Wraith, Big Driller ... Etc)
Upgrades on your machine: (Nothing when you join)
Member since: (Since when are you a member. Example: 04/05/09)

Then you could join.

Ill allow um let me guess... 10 members

  • 3 Replies
1,106 posts

Name: Spore
Wins: 0
Wins Since the Beginning: 0
Loses: 0
Machine: Excavator
Upgrades: Nothing
Member Since: 05/05/2009

1,669 posts

Oh ya ,its the fifth May. Anyways we have to wait for one more person. Please to not quit this game so easily.

1,106 posts

Name: Spore
Wins: 0
Wins Since the Beginning: 0
Loses: 0
Machine: Excavator
Upgrades: Nothing
Member Since: 05/05/2009


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