This thread while hold competitions to see which band AG likes the most. You vote on which of the following band is better and why. Then, I will add all of the votes and see which band is better.
RULES 1.You can only vote one time 2.Do not spam (duh). 3.Do not complain if the band you want to win loses
Please keep this clean and I will try to pick bands that people know of.
The first battle will be between.... Kiss and Aerosmith
Nine Inch Nails should win by a landslide. So why are they losing? Trent Reznor is one of the best multi-instrumentalists of recent times, and NIN's rhythyms and beats are nothing short of masterpieces.
Note :only the moderators are allowed to run this thread. All help from users is much appreciated, but leave the accepting and counting of votes to them... Don't start randomly posting score counts, this to keep the rules clear for new people visiting and/or participating in this thread, ok? =)
I'll count Ernie15's vote for having reasoning, but I'm sorry for Healmeal... because he failed to state a proper reasoning his vote will not be included in the statistics... :S
Updated score is now :
Rammstein - 8 Nine Inch Nails - 4
I haven't heard anything from ilberic or Pixie since some time, so I'll check with them on what they want to do...
If they stay quiet after my comment to them, I'll post a new battle for this thread, ok? Just hang in there a little while longer, I promise there will be a new battle soon!
Hey all, I apologize, but a storm knocked out my internet connection for 6 days. I should be back up and running now, but I have a lot of catching up to do. If MrDayCee or Pixie wants to put up a new battle while i'm catching up, that's fine with me. I'll get caught up and get this thread rolling..
but I'm sorry for Healmeal... because he failed to state a proper reasoning his vote will not be included in the statistics... :S
Don't feel sorry for me... I hate it when people do so. I didn't came up with my reason... To give it right now, my reason is that I like Rammstein's music better. Pretty much better melody for me.