Controls; Fire - LEFT MOUSE Zoom Down Sight - SPACE BAR Reload - R, or click when out of ammo Switch Weapon - Arrow keys DOWN or UP
Tips; In my own experience I found that using the Thompson (Starting Gun) until having the money for the BAR (2900$) was the best way to go. Being that the BAR is basically one shot one kill on infantry. Then from there going to the M19 Browning Heavy Machine Gun. (4200$)
Hmm i find buying the M1 garand for tanks near the start is good... Then after that buying browning... Then of course bazooka.. I dunno but the M1 owns the tanks... At least got me far in the game... Game reminds me of COD3 style of aiming haha
very easy game, i used the thompson till level three then m1 carbine then m1 garand then browning than bazooka on level 16-30 use the browning normaly and use the bazooka to destroy the tank