ForumsWEPRWar, and Leader-Ship

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928 posts

War never changes, only the people who start them, I want to be President one day, well, My thoughts, why cant we bribe the Somalis for info on Osama, because they're connected, lets stop national spending and make our own things, use the products our country makes, food, and supplies, Actually enforce laws, Make a True peace with Russia, actually leave Iraq and let them handle their own stuff, When our national debt goes down or is gone, prices lower, that means we can buy oil, or we can just use or own, right now, Im only 17, but when Im old enough Im going to get Into congress (there's difference in try and do) then presidency, Then The US will be good, and the way it should be, go ahead and comment, oh and about war, well, with my thoughts and ideas, well have Russia backing us again, so we can do what ever we want

  • 30 Replies
928 posts

im just gonna pick it up after sleep, uh, by the way, i love how every one noticed the fallout 3 war never changes thing *SARCASM*

332 posts

exactly, why we need a left wing liberal like obama to blast moar taxes on to us.

We actually do. It's not a free to ride to hold up a country. I may not agree with the way the bank bailouts were handled, but banks are what support our infrastructure and encourage foreign investors. Without them, we'd lose a major part of the economy, and it probably would completely fail. With taxes, at least now that we're paying more we might see some results, instead of losing hundreds of billions on wars. Education, health care, basic civil services like maintaining roads and bridges are finally going to receive the funding we need. Bush skated by on extra cash, Obama has to work with what he's left with, and so far I think he's doing pretty damn good for someone in that position.

read more news, Gosh you are making young adults seem like the apathetic, morale-less retards the rest of the country thinks we are.

Hate the stereotype, but it does seem like that's the public opinion of us in most cases....

16,587 posts

dude.......... war never changes

3,562 posts

I want to be President one day, well, My thoughts,

I inferred from your other post on "if a tree....does it make a sound?" thread, that you moved from Tokyo. And I am going to say that (just to clarify) you have to be an American born citizen (not born in some other country and then switching nationalities), and over the age of 35.
84 posts

We actually do. It's not a free to ride to hold up a country. I may not agree with the way the bank bailouts were handled, but banks are what support our infrastructure and encourage foreign investors. Without them, we'd lose a major part of the economy, and it probably would completely fail. With taxes, at least now that we're paying more we might see some results, instead of losing hundreds of billions on wars. Education, health care, basic civil services like maintaining roads and bridges are finally going to receive the funding we need. Bush skated by on extra cash, Obama has to work with what he's left with, and so far I think he's doing pretty **** good for someone in that position.

Well first of all, the reason the banks failed, was because congress passed a law, back during clinton's term as president, which said that the banks could offer loans without a down payment and a delayed period for which they had to pay(such as buy this item now and don't pay a penny until 2011). This resulted in many people taking out loans that they should not have even contemplated. When it came time to pay, the people found that they could not afford these loans, and as a result homes were foreclosed, and billions in loans were lost. The banks that gave out these loans, and now stuck were them, were the targets for the bailout. However, if we had let these banks go belly up (which we should have), then the smaller banks, who didn't give out these ridiculous loans out would still be afloat to give out proper loans.

As for the stimulus, that was a complete waste of money, now the banks are asking for more!. Even now the top economists are admitting that the bailouts were a complete fail, and to top it off we are now looking at at least 4 trillion dollars(Thats $4,000,000,000,000) of debt, ohhhh don't worry, you'll be paying taxes soon enough. Another problem with the stimulus was that the government had to print loads of money. This rapid influx of money into the economy will be detrimental to its health, because more of the dollar out there will decrease its worth, resulting in insane inflation. So far I haven't seen anything good out of the stimulus.

And paying higher taxes? Come on, do you think our economy can take taxes on 4 trillion dollars? The stress of the hard times is already taking a hard burden on many people, increased taxes will only destroy these families, good job obama. God bless the the day 1/20/13
Go Palin XD
3,562 posts

oh wow the first 17 year old who is some what well read. BUuut you are a little.... off

and to top it off we are now looking at at least 4 trillion dollars(Thats $4,000,000,000,000) of debt

yea this was during the beginning of bush's second term. We are facing a 10 Trillion dollar deficit. I don't know if you remember we had to add another digit on our national debt clock (as in they had to stop it, and take it down, and add another place for the 10 tril mark) in New York.

And paying higher taxes? Come on, do you think our economy can take taxes on 4 trillion dollars? The stress of the hard times is already taking a hard burden on many people, increased taxes will only destroy these families, good job obama. God bless the the day 1/20/13
Go Palin XD

Well Clinton managed to pull off a 600 billion surplus (with adjustments to inflation this amount is around 3 Trillion) due to an increase of taxes. Actually the increase in taxes is needed to balance the fiscal spending that obama is doing to jump start the economy.
928 posts

Well, look though. Nobody has actually checked. In my starting post, a lot of it has been said and done...

4,097 posts

Go Palin XD

If she runs in '12, I hope for her sake that she has much more experience.
928 posts

I hope Palin wins just so the nation can say: good god never again

332 posts

then the smaller banks, who didn't give out these ridiculous loans out would still be afloat to give out proper loans.

What about those with money in the major banks? Smaller banks, while more responsible, don't support the economy in the same way. I think that the loans should be more controlled, since its ridiculous the way they're handled, but letting the major banks fall apart would cripple even more people who had money invested in them.

As for the stimulus, that was a complete waste of money, now the banks are asking for more!. Even now the top economists are admitting that the bailouts were a complete fail, and to top it off we are now looking at at least 4 trillion dollars(Thats $4,000,000,000,000) of debt, ohhhh don't worry, you'll be paying taxes soon enough. Another problem with the stimulus was that the government had to print loads of money. This rapid influx of money into the economy will be detrimental to its health, because more of the dollar out there will decrease its worth, resulting in insane inflation. So far I haven't seen anything good out of the stimulus.

At least I'm finally paying taxes to support the country. The budget for the year is around 600 billion more than 2007 and 2008 budgets (which I'm fairly certain were without the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars). Its a pretty big increase, yes, but we're actually seeing that money. Education has been falling apart in the country. Without education, we have no future. Other countries have much, much higher standards now, and the results are showing. Things need to be stop being placed on the back burner and actually get some funds to start working again. The stimulus package may not serve its intended effect, but it may keep the country alive long enough to actually pay off some of that debt.

And paying higher taxes? Come on, do you think our economy can take taxes on 4 trillion dollars? The stress of the hard times is already taking a hard burden on many people, increased taxes will only destroy these families, good job obama. God bless the the day 1/20/13
Go Palin XD

You're a republican. Lowering taxes helps the individual, not the country as a whole. You may like it because you're keeping some money in your pocket, but in times like these its unlikely people are going to spend that saved money, and instead are going to stuff it away and use it only when absolutely necessary. In my mind, its you can have a little bit more money for yourself, or you can have that bridge your driving over not collapse due to lack of maintenance. Individual greed is astounding.
Oh, and for the Palin comment. No. I'm moving to Australia or Canada if that happens, since I don't want to be in the middle of a country-wide moose hunt when the world realizes just how much of an idiot we elected, and other countries hate us even more than when Bush was in power.

3,562 posts

then the smaller banks, who didn't give out these ridiculous loans out would still be afloat to give out proper loans.

They loan out money to increase the money supply or M1, and the fed would have already decreased the reserve requirement so the banks can loan out more money. With the increase in M1, there will be an increase in GDP thus increasing standard of living and alleviate the recession.

Expansionary Monetary Policy (EMP, and OMO (open market operations), economics 101 baby.
3,562 posts

You're a republican. Lowering taxes helps the individual, not the country as a whole. You may like it because you're keeping some money in your pocket, but in times like these its unlikely people are going to spend that saved money, and instead are going to stuff it away and use it only when absolutely necessary. In my mind, its you can have a little bit more money for yourself, or you can have that bridge your driving over not collapse due to lack of maintenance. Individual greed is astounding.
Oh, and for the Palin comment. No. I'm moving to Australia or Canada if that happens, since I don't want to be in the middle of a country-wide moose hunt when the world realizes just how much of an idiot we elected, and other countries hate us even more than when Bush was in power.

shoot accidentally hit post.

anyway, lowering taxes is what republicans do, but with the increase in disposable income in households, it builds the incentive to increase consumption, therefore it increases the complex spending multiplier, Firefly if I missed sumthing back me up.

Anyway democrats usually increase taxation, and increase deficit spending to increase GDP, although the demi way gets more bang for your buck, people generally don't like it because they feel like they are not getting that much money.
332 posts

anyway, lowering taxes is what republicans do, but with the increase in disposable income in households, it builds the incentive to increase consumption, therefore it increases the complex spending multiplier,

Problem is that in a recession tax cuts aren't likely to be effective since consumer confidence is low. It doesn't necessarily take into account the human factor, where if the media is saying everything's going down, people aren't going to run out and buy a plasma TV even if they have the cash, they're more likely to hoard it. Tax cuts work when an economy is booming, since it increases income and spending. Fear's a pretty powerful motivator though, and I don't think tax cuts are a way to get through a situation like this.

Anyway democrats usually increase taxation, and increase deficit spending to increase GDP, although the demi way gets more bang for your buck, people generally don't like it because they feel like they are not getting that much money.

The deficit spending's risky, and with our current debt its no surprise people aren't viewing it too kindly. Still, we need to have some kind of system set in place for the future, not just quick-fix spending and tax cuts. The thing I like about the stimulus, despite the fact like it seems we're losing a lot of money with it, is that it includes funding for so many things that it helps place a small guarantee upon those projects survival. In the sense of the overall economic issue, I don't think its going to be effective, but in terms of preserving the country it just might.

3,562 posts

The deficit spending's risky, and with our current debt its no surprise people aren't viewing it too kindly. Still, we need to have some kind of system set in place for the future, not just quick-fix spending and tax cuts. The thing I like about the stimulus, despite the fact like it seems we're losing a lot of money with it, is that it includes funding for so many things that it helps place a small guarantee upon those projects survival. In the sense of the overall economic issue, I don't think its going to be effective, but in terms of preserving the country it just might.

ok to clarify, First, you should probably look at an economics book, it might save me lots of time explaining, but then again people never listen to me.

Deficit spending or expansionary fiscal policy is currently the ONLY way of bringing the country out of recession. I never said there should be tax cuts, I just merely mentioned the trend with republican presidents. If you were playing the stock markets like many other Americans do, you would have noticed the 200% increase in output a week after obama's 900 Billion dollar fiscal policy. The money is actually coming in more than it is going out because of the EFP and it is slowly but surely chiseling away at the massive debt left by our beloved George Bush.
928 posts

I love that this is such a powerful debate, so Im bringing this back out into the open where people will see it and expand it some more

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