-choazmachine -4/10/09 [Mother Day '09] -Submission # 1
In this thread you shall draw a zombie, submit it to this thread and get judged on it. I am the Top Judge. But I shall have a total of three judges including the Top Judge. So I need two volunteers to Judge peoples work. We shall conspire and agree 100%, the order of the people who win. But to enter this competition you must draw a zombie. Even when you want to be a Judge, that is still considered joining the competition.
Title of Art Work [Bold]
[Artist] [b]make it a link to your profile for your first submission only![/b], [Date], [Submission Number]
You need actual rules aside from posting scheme if you wanna make this a competition. I think it would function better as a gallery of usermade zombie art.
Rules?! This is Artwork, the only rules are applied are the obvious AG ones. [Nudity, inappropriate gestures, etc.] I made no rules because it makes no boundaries, thus the artist can express themselves. So Creepy Zombies is this weeks Theme. And Judging is always fun too! So this is for fun really. Gallery is just there to look at, yay! This is to be a part of so, in turn, is better!
Sorry but that does not meet the requirements*! D:
But your in! - Please submit a CREEPY zombie art. - Do you want to Judge? -> If so, you can't submit the current weeks theme, but judge it on the following SUNDAY! And you cannot be Judge twice in a row.
*Requirements: - A zombie/ undead thing that shows most of it's body - Bloody - Creepy features |I.E| Sharp teeth, Scary looking face. (Mine!) - Inclusion of the face is most pleased, but not necessary and will add an additional liking to that art. (Better chance to win *wink*)
The pitch black eyes, and the crying of blood make it creepy looking, so yes, that was a success. Your the first to join, and submit Creepy Zombie artwork. But if you read my original post. . .
Title of Art Work [Bold]
[Artist] -> Make it a link for your first submission. [Date]