ForumsWEPR'I think rush limbaugh was the 20th hijacker', says comic at Washinton dinner.

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Here you can find the story :

I was going to give you the link to fox news (you know the one that tells the WHOLE truth) , but you kno you liberals would go crazy = )

Anyways do you think she went over the line or was just havin a good joke ?

I for one thought she went WAy over the line, but thats just me .
And honsetsly I don't even think shes funny to tell you the truth....

  • 44 Replies
1,523 posts

Um....when has he got affened , and she is an entertainer ...

Richard Steele, the head of the Republican National Convention, dismissed Limbaugh's inflammatory comments earlier this year and called the man an "entertainer."

Rush attacked him and started calling him a fake Republican and such, as he does with anyone that's not so far to the right that they believe everything that comes out of his mouth.
3,224 posts

Comedians have a right to say what they want, so that's no problem. I just think 9/11 isn't funny. One day, it may be funny, but I can't see that happening soon. I really don't care what people say or think of Rush (I don't even listen to him), but terrorism is not funny.

Ever heard of something called satire? Humour is one of the best ways to get serious points across.
179 posts

Ever heard of something called satire? Humour is one of the best ways to get serious points across.

true, but sometimes things are just so traumatizing for others that you shouldn't cross the line. i.e. we don't make holocaust jokes.
10,816 posts

Quite recently the Labour administration in its infinite wisdom decided to introduce legislation banning comedians from making jokes based on race.

Well, scratch one country out of Russell Peters' touring circuit! xD
10,816 posts

Ever heard of something called satire? Humour is one of the best ways to get serious points across.

Second pearl of wisdom: comedians are the direct descendants of the court jester.

If you've studied your Shakespeare you should know what I mean.

true, but sometimes things are just so traumatizing for others that you shouldn't cross the line. i.e. we don't make holocaust jokes.

According to my first comment, I think that it is in fact necessary that the comedians make these inappropriate jokes so that they face public censure, thus reaffirming the social status quo.

Third remark: Comedians can be considered as writers- their mission is not just to inspire laughter but to provoke discussion.
3,224 posts

true, but sometimes things are just so traumatizing for others that you shouldn't cross the line. i.e. we don't make holocaust jokes.

I can't think of any point in history in which ignoring the past led to any beneficial conclusion, but I think of plenty of times it has led to tragedy. If nothing else, like Strop implied, it draws attention to past mistakes and allows us to (hopefully) not make the same mistakes in the future.

Now that being said presentation is very important. Some political commentaries spend more time placing blame than actually telling something relevant, which may serve only to turn people away from the issue or serve as an innoculation against important messages.

That is why I admire comedians for treading on thin ice. Society, especially in Britain has become maddeningly PC (politically correct), and comedy is one of the few mediums in which these issues come under real scrutiny in the public domain.

If we were to ban comedians making racy jokes because of opinion, or ideals of freedom would be meaningless.

Well, scratch one country out of Russell Peters' touring circuit! xD

The legislation was dropped in the end because of media coverage and practically zero public support.

As for the specific joke in question, I watched the video linked and didn't really see how it could have been construed as an afront to the victims in 911. Limbaugh has more cause to be angry than families of 911 victims.
1,455 posts

Ever heard of something called satire? Humour is one of the best ways to get serious points across.

Like I said, the comedian had a right to say whatever they wanted. I think it's inappropriate to try to get a point across by laughing at 9/11. If you want to make fun of what Rush said, fine by me. Just do it in a way that doesn't turn horrific acts of murder into funny memories.
I can't think of any point in history in which ignoring the past led to any beneficial conclusion

Of course not. I just think jokes are the worst way to begin with such a situation.
4,097 posts

I don't think it crossed the line or anything. She was joking, just as Rush Limbaugh fans say not to take him seriously. So if us liberals are asked to not take what he says seriously, conservatives shouldn't take that seriously either. Rush Limbaugh though I believe is a different story, she's merely a comic while he's someone people actually listen to seriously.

3,224 posts

Of course not. I just think jokes are the worst way to begin with such a situation.

Often they are the only and best way to do so, because no other medium is as daring as that of stand up comedy.
5,420 posts

I'm sorry, but I think that that was a bit more mild since she was making fun of Rush Limbaugh, and not the act itself. Seriously do you guys have any clue how many jokes related to 9/11 have been made publicly before? No truthfully I actually found the part where she joked about Palin's getting pregnant, and the part where she said she hopes Limbaugh's kidneys fail as a bit more inappropriate, and even those are not enough. To tell you the truth compared to some of the stuff I have heard comedians joke about before, this is extremely blown out of proportion, most likely because it was told in front of the president, instead of at a restaurant or shown at 2 am on comedy central.

1,455 posts

Often they are the only and best way to do so, because no other medium is as daring as that of stand up comedy.

What exactly was the point? To remember what Rush said? I didn't even hear him say it and I will never forget it. I've heard it EVERYWHERE.
To tell you the truth compared to some of the stuff I have heard comedians joke about before, this is extremely blown out of proportion, most likely because it was told in front of the president, instead of at a restaurant or shown at 2 am on comedy central.

I'm sure they have, doesn't justify their actions. They just never were heard nationally, but I still disagree with them.
1,310 posts

One other thing I would add to the table BigP08, is that commonly humour is a manner in which many people deal with obscene grief or tragedy.

It's often easier for some to make blithe remarks about a terrorist attack then to think of thousands of people dying and suffering in terror & agony before their end.

All the same; I respect your right to disagree.

1,455 posts

Not a bad point, Distance. I only think that since this was slightly political, it might change the circumstances. I might just have a different persepctive because I don't usually joke about serious stuff. But I understand what you're saying.

All the same; I respect your right to disagree.

Me too
10,816 posts

I think I have to screenshot this moment *sniff* it's so beautiful *sniff*

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