ForumsGame WalkthroughsCall of Duty-World at War D.S. Cheats/Unlockables/Tips

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Unlock Everything- Go to the war room. Then go to options. After that enter this code. Y X Y Y X Y X X Y Note-This does not unlock awards(Besides the code breaker award).

Easy awards- You can get the following awards by going to quickplay then to U.S. Campaign then to the jungle level.

Simply complete the level using the pistol, alot of grenades, and melee and you can get these awards;

Radio Operator-Badge-Complete Morse Code Minigame

Perfect Coder-Complete Morse Code Minigame with no Mistakes(This is REALLY HARD!!!!)

Demolition Badge-Complete Landmine Minigame

Combat Ready-Complete 10 Quickplay Levels

Instant Action Addict-Complete 40 Quickplay Levels

Firestarter-25 Kills with Flamethrower

Quick Draw-250 Kills with Pistol

Pugalist-50 Melee Kills

Up and Over-Mantle 100 times(The best way in this level to get it is at the beggining of the level. At the first fight, you will have to mantle over the bunker after you kill all the enemies. But when your allies move on, stay there. Keep manteling over the bunker until you get the award).

Now I will list the ones that you can easily get just by completing campaign;

One Man Army-1500 Kills

Medic Badge- Complete Medic Minigame

Headhunter-100 Headshots

Slow Learner-Die 10 Times

I Love Quotes-Die 40 Times

Russian Vitory-Complete the Russian Campaign

British Victory-Complete the British Campaign

American Victory-Complete the American Campaign

Kneecapper-100 Kills from Crouch

Distant Hunter-50 Kills from Sniper

Tank Hunter-Destroy 25 Tanks(You may or may not get this one... it depends on how many times you die and have to destroy a tank again).

Here are the ones that are scattered throught levels;

No Fly Zone-Shot Down 250 Planes

Mad Bomber-Destroy 20 Targers from the Bomber

Fixed Defender-500 Kills from Fixed Emplacement

Frag Fiend-50 Grenade Kills

Return to Sender-Kill Enemy by Returning Thrown Grenade(You may or may not get this during Campaign)

Quick Reflexes-Kill 25 Enemies by Returning Thrown Grenades

Challenger-Complete All Challenges

Too Much Free Time-Recieve All Awards

Now for some tips of mine...

If your screen flashes red, its means you've taken too much damage. Stop fighting and hide behind something. The screen will eventually stop flashing and you can go back out more. I suggest reloading or throwing grenades while waiting.

Take advatnage of your weaponry. If you have a fast shooting weapon and a sniper, then use the fast for up-close and the sniper for far away. Many people underestimate the sniper.

For the land mine minigame, when you have to turn it, keep your stylus on the edge of the mine. If you get too close to the center of the mine or off of it, you will make a mistake.

With the Medic Minigame, during the turning part, as the bar goes farther up, slow down. If you go to fast you will make a mistake.

When you have to go forward and there are no enemies, then you suddenly are ambushed, go back to your allies. The enemies will chase you and youu will get cover and your alliew will help.

The grenade is not as good as it looks. Enemies can return it and few times does it actually hit anyone.

Beware of glitchers in online play. They usually glitch through a wall or go outside the boundry or something. In most cases they have a sniper rifle. Uses that as their advantage, they find a place where they are hidden but they are able to see the whole field. if you see one, leave.

I hope this helped you, reader. Please comment.

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