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Face facts Pixie. Yorkshire is simply not technologically advanced enough to win a conflict with their southern counterparts. Frankly, I'm surprised you have an internet connection. Hehe.
I don't see the point in having a north-south divide if your not going to police it
Nuts to the lignocaine, I'm fetching the grafting machine!
Face it...the Yorkish were much better than their Lancestrian counterparts. Henry VI...poor mad thing...
VI wasn't that bad. It was the Stanley brothers that were the deciding factor. They just waited out until it was clear who the winning side was then joined in. Good strategy if you ask me.
I don't see the point in having a north-south divide if your not going to police it
I remember hearing on the news a while back that a team of scientists had been analysing all manner of data ie. income, life expectancy etc. and had concluded where the North South divide begins and ends. It runs from just North of Peterborough North West to North of East Anglia. We should start mixing the cement.
It is strange the amount of people that have asked me where in New York I'm from. how many references to tea do I have to make till people get that English York > New York imo mainly for the beautiful history.
Then again I'm 100 times more likely to get mugged in York than I am in New York; that beacuse I don;t live in New York.
Richard should have charged and smashed Henry's army before he could organize. But no he waits.
As Sun Tzu said, making the wrong decision on a battlefield is better than making no decision at all. (Not a word perfect quote but you gee the idea).
ah silly british! tea is for... wait what is tea for? well it sure isn't for kids... hm... train of thought just departed...
? National stereotypes ftw. It's actually a pretty well known fact that the English become fatally dehydrated if we do not experience rain for more than 7 days. Or that Americans have a sixth sense that allows them to locate within 3 feet the nearest fast food joint.
Or that Americans have a sixth sense that allows them to locate within 3 feet the nearest fast food joint.
Never have eaten fast food as it is not part of strict training regime for swimming... anyway that because around every corner there is a McDonald's...
I mean I was visiting my grandmother's grave outside a funeral home and there was a McDonald's join inside there... I mean I guess you get hungry visiting dead people? I mean seriously wtf....
I mean I was visiting my grandmother's grave outside a funeral home and there was a McDonald's join inside there
That's worse than the Maccas in the Royal Childrens' Hospital in Melbourne...then again that example actually kinda makes sense because Macdonalds Australia is actually a major supporter of the Starlight Children's Foundation...
That's worse than the Maccas in the Royal Childrens' Hospital in Melbourne...then again that example actually kinda makes sense because Macdonalds Australia is actually a major supporter of the Starlight Children's Foundation...
Best idea evar... McDonald's gives them heart disease, the hospital treats it. Win-win in the corporate world!